Democratic Primary Debates

Yeah, I would argue we were both right.

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It seems clear that Warren believes what she’s saying. I continue to think this is a case where Bernie suggested that a woman would have a tough time beating Trump and the argument is over how strong the wording he used was.

Warren comes out of this looking either scummy or foolish imo. Scummy if it was her call to leak this in the first place, as candid comments made off-the-record shouldn’t be weaponized like that. Foolish if it wasn’t her call, since she should have defused the situation. As I said much earlier she could have just released a statement saying “well he didn’t say that exactly, he said he thought a woman would have a tough time against Trump, also I don’t think these private conversations are fair game for campaign material”. Regardless of the truth, this just seems like the obvious move politically. The innuendo about Bernie being anti-woman is out there and Warren looks like someone with integrity who isn’t going to muckrake Bernie, which gives her moral standing when launching future attacks against him. Like maybe I’m wrong and she’ll come out of this stronger politically, but right now it seems like a blunder.

Edit: Warren could also have made a statement “the reported contents of the conversation are not accurate but I’m not going to comment further because it was a private conversation” which is vague enough to be true no matter what (since the reports are paraphrases/summaries anyway).


Also, and I’ll probably take some heat for this, while I think it’s most likely that Bernie is not lying, I also don’t care if he is. As far as I’m concerned that would be fighting fire with fire. The counter to “you called me a liar on national TV” is “you outed the contents of a private, off-the-record conversation on national TV”. You want to play dirty, game on.


If she believes it, I don’t think she has it in her to say that reports are inaccurate. If she feels wronged here, I don’t think she will sacrifice what she sees as the truth in the name of political expedience.

If she believes that the reports are accurate and she is never going to deny that they are accurate, how would you advise her to go about confirming those reports? She seems to have latched on to the strategy of “yes, they are true, but here are some more important issues that we should be talking about instead.”

From her campaign’s perspective, they may see this as them fighting fire with fire after the anti-Warren talking points script.

I’d characterise that as foolish. She did Bernie an injury by revealing the contents of a private conversation with people who went on to leak the contents to the media. The lie would be to compensate Bernie for this injury. There’s nothing noble about refusing to lie under those circumstances.

By the way, regarding whether the campaign was the source of the initial leak:



She’s not an instinctive liar. That may be foolish in this case, but perhaps says something about how she would govern as president.

I don’t think there was any doubt about the source, but that does back up my suspicion that the attack was viewed as retaliatory in nature.

Warren: You think Hillary could win in 2020?
Bernie [shakes head]
Warren: Ah…

You are bad at reading.

If I were to say, in response to someone saying could a man walk on Mars, no, that would clearly indicate a man couldn’t walk on Mars ever. The lack of temporal clarification implies perpetuity to those with basic comprehension skills. If I said “not yet” or “not now” that changes things.


This. They benefit from ambiguity.

d10 calling out ChrisV’s eminently reasonable, charitable, and what do you know! right posting as “shit posting”?

What a damn hypocrite and dissembler. He’s dyed in the wool for Liz at this point.

I don’t think that’s clear at all. Bernie might have said that a man might have an easier time than a woman, but I find it hard to believe his wording was any stronger than that. There is absolutely no way that the Warren camp is giving the media anything close to an accurate paraphrase of what the conversation actually was, and it is despicable to do this with a private conversation in the first place.

And of course CNN’s handling of this at the debate was totally absurd.

It’s maybe the only thing Trump is right about: the media have no credibility.

Of course, his preference would be state media like OAN or some Russian propaganda shit and not genuinely independent media reporting facts and analyzing important matters honestly.


It wasn’t foolish. It was malicious.


This is perfectly said.

Literally incontrovertible.

You can also believe someone and not be 100% sure.

I almost (not really) want to see Biden win the nom and name Warren as Veep.

And Warren stood by helplessly (don’t ban me), as CNN gave her no opportunity to dispel the myth.

She disingenuously said I don’t want to talk about this. And then talked about it!