Democratic Primary Debates

This guy gets it.


No I don’t mind discussing it. I think my point still stands. Most people who support other candidates now are not going to be won over by clips from the 90s. Nobody really cared about them then and they are even less relevant in 2020. Stuff he says now has way more impact than a claim about MLK or whatever.
I think a much better answer would have been to leave out the champion of women stuff that Trump or Biden also claim and state that he absolutely thinks a women could win and apologize to Warren if she ever got the impression he thought the opposite but he never has.



hosts of the next three debates, in that order

why have I been reading that last night’s debate was the 7th and last?

It’s the last before the primaries begin, so maybe that was the context


Maybe somebody else will come by and call you an idiot and talk about how Sanders is a very popular 2nd choice for Warren supporters and crucial to his s chances bc that seems to be the consensus in non idiot land.


Politico followed up with a report that it was an official campaign document that had been released to some volunteers and staffers for use in early voting states, according to multiple anonymous Sanders campaign officials, so it’s probably inaccurate to call it a “fake volunteer script”.

I don’t see the big deal about the script. This is what modern campaigning looks like. I don’t think it reflects poorly on the Sanders campaign. They should be producing scripts like that for their volunteers to use.

Bernie is in 2nd place. He doesn’t have to win over that many voters to take the lead. If your point is that a plurality isn’t good enough for Bernie, that’s a good point. It probably isn’t.

I think it’s implied that the talking points were distributed outside of Slack.

Case closed, she’s lying and this was just a straight up pathological stunt.

Women :man_shrugging:

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No, the report said they were distributed to some volunteers and staffers. If Slack is not the normal method for doing so, then Slack was not used.

Let’s start with the claim that multiple (anonymous) Sanders campaign officials confirmed to Politico that the talking points were given to teams in at least two early voting states. I’m going to go ahead and assume that these are actual campaign officials who are not made up by Politico. There’s really no point in having a conversation if you won’t at least stipulate that. They would presumably be familiar with how such documents are disseminated within the campaign, so I think that suggests that they were distributed using normal channels, which is not Slack.

Have you received talking points that tell you to stress that volunteers are not supposed to be negative about other candidates or even to contrast with other candidates when talking about this?

I’ll preface by saying I don’t think that memo was that big of a deal even if direct from Bernie himself, but I have little doubt that was actually from the campaign. As someone in Iowa, it was almost word for word what I was told on separate occasions both by someone canvassing in person and 2 separate calls on behalf of his campaign when I told them I was supporting Warren and Bernie was my 2nd choice.


I have a guess as to what has actually happened here. In 2018 Warren and Bernie have a conversation that one way or another leads to Bernie saying he doesn’t believe a woman can beat Trump or that Warren takes as him meaning that he doesn’t believe a woman can win. Go with whatever interpretation you want. She’s frustrated by the conversation and likely shares that frustration with some of her staff, but still thinks of Bernie as a friend so thinks little more of it.

Then this week out comes the story about the campaign memo which can be taken as a 2nd occurrence of a message from Bernie saying he doesn’t believe Warren can win. This leads to what we’ve seen this week with a healthy dose of centrist media eager to jump on and push the story of infighting in the progressive wing of the party.

I don’t think this means that Bernie necessarily did anything wrong, and I don’t think it means that Warren was wrong in her reaction either. It’s an example of the fact that human communication is imperfect and what often matters more is how your message is received by its audience than what your intended message may have been.


Yeah but some on Unstuck told me within 10 minutes of this being news that Warren was a lying jezebel who should have kept her lady mouth shut so as to not hurt the progressive movement

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Maybe anonymous staffers would claim this because it is true and they would stay anonymous because it is true.

What would be your reaction to a Sanders campaign official who put their name onto verifying this report? Would you be more inclined to believe them or to accuse them of being a lying traitor?

Not the campaign I’m on. we don’t argue when they say they are supporting someone else. Our script is “Thanks for letting me know, have a nice day!” Then opting them out from the text bank, phone bank, or on MiniVAN. Negative persuasion like what was seen on that script is a very high risk strategy.

My impression is that it is not made up, but also not coming from Bernie or sanctioned by him, and came from someone who is high up enough to know better. I also suspect that it absolutely reflects what internal polling tells them, so it probably came from someone who had access to such data.

Will this result in someone getting fired from the Sanders campaign?

here’s the actual recording


Pretty close on the lipreading…


39m to 54m, it’s worth watching that 15 minutes. I don’t think it really is dramatically positive or negative, but it’s worth watching.

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