Democratic Primary Debates

Thank you for this link and video.

I’m not sure what you’re saying here. What would you like for me to take away from this video? What did you take away from it?

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Sanders needs to do a better job on these type of questions. People aren’t responding positively to “back in the old days” stock answer he likes to go to.

Lol? Obv he is talking about Warren supporters going to Biden in the primary instead of Bernie. Would have thought a super brain like you who calls other people idiots coulda worked that one out.

That makes sense.

Is this a non sequitur? I might be missing how this connects to the earlier point of discussion about his historical relevance.

They were already going to him because they aren’t progressives.

After Phillip pulled the “When Sanders said that horrible thing we can’t prove happened, how did you feel?” trick with Warren, she moved to Klobuchar, who by coincidence was the person panelists predicted might “go for the jugular” over this story: “Senator Klobuchar,” Phillip said, “What do you say to people who say a woman can’t win the election?” Again, the sleazy construction of the question presupposed that someone actually did say it.

Jesus, unreal. I missed that one.

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By your definition, well under 50% of primary voters are “progressive,” even including all those new, young voters you’re convinced the revolution will bring in. Most of Bernie’s crew understood this deep down very recently, that’s why everyone got on board with Warren, at least until they lost faith in her. It’s all very desperate.

Bernie won’t win without Warren’s voters. Probably not with them either. She’ll make a wonderful scapegoat for his failure to form a broader coalition capable of winning though.

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Maybe. Another scapegoat is the American people. Like most of them supported the invasion of Iraq. Not a great bunch collectively.


And Warren could have shut it down definitively last night. She chose not to.


Disagree only because scapegoating implies the targeted party is being blamed for someone else’s failure. The American people are 100% responsible for the government we get.


The discussion was about how he didn’t handle the Warren attack well.

So we’re done with debates right? That was the last one?

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Last one before Iowa. There’s 4 more scheduled now, 1 after each of the first 4 states.

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I think I see the confusion. My response was to the portion of your post I quoted. I will bold it and cry mercy for any confusion I introduced by including the first unbolded sentence.

Yeah, Bernie does this way too much (ie civil rights) and it’s just not effective. 30 years ago nobody knew who he was and he wasn’t a major national figure on the front lines of any of these issues. You can’t really remind people of stuff they don’t know about to begin with.

Thanks for clarifying. Interested in your thoughts if you now watch the video I posted in that context. But no worries if this is your way of saying you don’t want to discuss that.


Nothing else is to be gained from more debates. I hope Bernie just skips them


3 in february alone. For someone in charge of an entire county’s worth of campaign volunteers, this triggers my anxiety like nothing else. so many fucking watch parties to hold…gah


I’m a bit ignorant on this, too, but I’ll give it a go!

The money needed, in this future theoretical, to satisfy/compensate medical professionals and other administrators within the entirety of the industry, would come from the elimination of the healthcare insurance racket. That racket has accurately been compared to a crime syndicate/mafia. What do they do, but pool wealth under the guise of redistribution to the needy at a time of health crisis? It’s been chronicled at length how employees are encouraged to deny care(literally let people die) in order to maximize profits.

Simply put, in the M4A hypothetical, the government would now pool these resources needed for preventive and acute care, without a profit motive.

lol that question last night about how the necessary changes would impact an ‘Insurance town’ like Des Moines, Iowa, was so infuriating.

Well, Des Moines, you’re gonna have to do something other than being useless, care-denying leeches.


Dems need to use Corporate Death Panels as messaging for our current medical system. If for no other reason than to troll the Rs.


I hope CNN skips them.