Democratic Primary Debates

I would have guessed more as well, but I generally look stuff up like that before I post it.


Context matters. If a woman accused Donald Trump or even Joe Biden of saying this everyone here would not doubt it’s veracity. Making an unqualified statement like “a woman cannot become president” or “a woman cannot beat Trump” goes against all the evidence we have available about Bernie.

It has nothing to do with the fact it is a woman making the claim and everything to do with the fact that if he said this it makes no sense and would be completely out of character.

Eta: i misread your post at first and I agree with what you are saying.


A possible reason for Warren’s backstab of Bernie: One Twitterer suggested she made a deal with Biden, possibly to be VP. That gains credibility if she keeps going after Bernie and leaves Biden alone.

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It also gains credibility as her campaign has transitioned from a progressive campaign to a more moderate one over the last several months. You don’t see her railing against the rich or corporations anywhere like she was 6 months ago.


Who gives a fuck if it’s manufactured? Warren manufactured it!


Cite or ban

There were two people in the meeting. You think Bernie is the one spreading it?

Also you’re being ridiculous with the cite or ban thing.

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I don’t think so. I mean Bernie could cut enough of the war budget that it might make up for the difference but all else being equal wealthy people will pay more taxes even if they aren’t the super rich. I think.

I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a fair question because Biden and Sanders don’t have the combined support to make it effectively a 2 person race going into Iowa like Clinton and Sanders did. He has a chance to gain support is not the same as he is gaining support.

Bernie deserves a ton of credit for unifying progressives, Clinton skeptics and anti establishment types into a coalition in 2016. Just tossing out a Bernie Biden heads up match up completely minimizes the work it took to get it there.

CNN ginned up this entire beef with wall-to-wall coverage of some trivial leak and y’all are playing right into their hands.


It came from Warren staffers. They proactively leaked it. We know that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Also as was just said the only other person besides Bernie in the room was Warren.

So literally the only way this story gets proliferated is through Warren. Who by her own actions at the end of the debate is obviously not trying to defuse this and fully behind it.

Maybe that will be politically smart and we all look dumb a few weeks from now but the Warren supporters acting like she is just an innocent bystander to this story are being disingenuous.


I have a M4A question but I’m not sure I’m informed enough to even phrase it correctly. Assuming a 30% reduction in military spending and some significant percentage of the current $$$ being spent by Americans on health insurance just being diverted to M4A taxes (that 2nd part is part I’m not sure even makes sense, lol), how much new funding will actually need to be raised to cover M4A? Assume for the sake of argument an expensive version of M4A since I know there’s a spread of potential costs.

Yeah, like when a deplorable adjacent said sure “Grab them by the p” was bad but have to admit that the 11 year old Hollywood Access tape dropping two weeks before the election was a coordinated strategically timed political hit piece.

I said no, no, no, while it seems odd that it came out two weeks before the election, NBC claims they just found it so that must be true. Lol, I was so naive.

Warren was clear that she briefed several people on the meeting shortly after it occurred. Bernie probably did the same. It seems pretty standard to keep your staff informed of what goes on in significant meetings like the one they had where they were literally coordinating their campaign strategies. You’re oversimplifying the flow of information to make it support the narrative you want to believe.

Do you guys also believe that the only valid source for Trump’s call with Zelensky were the people listening in on it?


at least 15% of that previous support was simply being the only"not hillary" option.

bernie’s certainly gained support since 16 but it’s not in strong enough numbers to beat biden heads up imo. He has more name recognition than the others though so he’d be fine vs them as most people just vote whoever they’ve heard of.

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I don’t give a shit about the whole handshake thing (as if I’d shake Trump’s hand? GTFO) but ya know all TV is in the entertainment industry so here we are. again

just shows again though, media is going to continue to divide dems over stupid shit while all the stupid shit trump says or does they just ignore. An unfortunate uphill battle in the election.

I would’ve flat out told warren I didn’t think she could beat Trump which once again shows that I should never be in politics.

I take it you have no history of supporting women and you’ve also never heard of a candidate named Hillary Clinton who came very close to beating Trump in 2016. If either of these things were true it’s LITERALLY impossible to say what you just said. Or so I’m told.