Democratic Primary Debates

Imo he should of given a fake apology like “Senator Warren may have misinterpreted what I said over a year ago, and if so, I apologise.” Then launched into all the reasons why it’s ludicrous for him to have made that statement.

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It’s cool if you still support Liz but pretending to be confused by progressives souring on her is a bad look


Like if I had to give a one sentence definition of where the left has gone wrong over the last few decades it would be “elevating the niceties of intellectual discourse over actually doing things for the community and elevating identity over class” and here’s Warren trying to do precisely that, in the most on-the-nose way possible, in order to try to take down the most left-wing candidate in the field because she can’t get one over on him any other way. I’m not just going to nod and smile at this and be like yeah, that’s cool. It’s not cool.


It’s a bar in hillcrest, our gayborhood.

Hillcrest is pretty white

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Yea the left sure knows how to self destruct, and the recent Warren insanity itt is just another exhibit.


I don’t think the left is self destructing. It has plenty of help.


Dunno why the left imagines that there won’t be infighting or that there’s no infighting on the right or that Dems haven’t also done plenty of party line voting.


When Warren and Sanders did the whole “Was 1990 within the last 30 years,” thing about nobody but Warren beating an incumbent Republican in the last 30 years, Bernie should have asked how long ago 1996 was and pointed out that one person on that stage was still a registered Republican in 1996.


People here liked Warren because she was polling well ahead of Bernie and for a while it seemed like she was the candidate to get behind if you wanted to elect a progressive. It was always a very tenuous support.

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Lip reading:

Warren: How dare you call me a liar on national tv?

Sanders: What?

Warren: How dare you call me a liar on national tv?

Can’t tell what Sanders says back, but it includes something like “you ____ me.” You attacked me? You could’ve called me? You asked me (whether I thought a woman could win)?

So he probably said it, but not in any sort of sexist way, and of course she’s taking a private conversation between friends/allies and using it to attack him.

Look for things to stay aggressive between these two moving forward. I think the progressive dream of one dropping out to endorse the other is pretty unlikely as of now.


I am honestly torn on this whole Bernie/Warren beef. I doubt Bernie meant it the way she says. But then again, why are we always so quick to dismiss it when a woman says it? My XX chromosomes are screaming at the misogyny of the reporting and reaction on this, even if it isn’t actually true. Hard to deny my nature and remain unbiased.


I’m assuming you have no particular skill at lip-reading here, and if not I strongly doubt this is correct. Warren’s body language says she is not asking a question. If she were, she would be making something like a palms-up gesture. The hands clasped together is a closed gesture, she is making an assertion. She does appear to either repeat herself or to re-assert something similar with her second line and when she does that, she nods her head. It’s a gesture where she is emphasising that what she is saying is correct. People don’t nod their heads when they ask a question.



Is it better and more qualifying in politics (or life, i guess) to have never lost a race, or to have lost and possibly learned from it?

My life experience tells me the latter is better, but i’m wondering what plays better in the average voters’ minds

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I have no particular lip reading skill. Given that it’s more of a rhetorical question and an accusatory question, I’m not convinced the hands clasped part matters. The nodding could be because she is repeating herself. I’ve seen other interpretations on Twitter I could be convinced of, such as something like “I felt like you wronged me in that exchange.”

Just a scintilla of research into Bernie Sanders and his 50 year history in politics should immediately remove all doubt that he’d EVER say such a thing

She dropped from my #2 to the very bottom. She’s shown her true colors the last couple of days and that’s not someone I want to see become president


I think the official winner of tonight’s debate was Trump hands down. CNN is just god awful. They should follow Fox News right off a cliff


I don’t think the issue is whether or not it’s qualifying to hold the office or do well at it, but whether or not it is any indication of your chances to win this time. There’s an empirical answer out there. I don’t have a strong feeling about what the likely answer is.

I don’t think this has anything to do with it. Pete routinely gets accused of being a bullshit artist, for example. We’re quick to dismiss this because Warren is accusing him of saying that a woman cannot win the Presidency. Like not just this cycle, but at all, ever. That’s what she claims he said. That just doesn’t pass the smell test. Leaving aside all questions of sexism etc, it’s just dumb. Like, not even dedicated misogynists would make a claim like that. Women have been elected leader in fairly reactionary countries all over the world, it’s just manifestly not true that a woman can’t win.

Did he say something that was sort of LIKE that, but not that exactly? Maybe, but that would already mean that Warren is exaggerating what was said, which is the simplest explanation here. I think Warren probably sincerely believes that he said something pretty close to what she’s accusing him of. It doesn’t help that Warren has documented history of handwaving the facts when it suits her to do it.

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