Democratic Primary Debates

i agree, but the way they framed it was that if you have never lost, that makes you more qualified than people who have. As for it having bearing on if you can win this time around, every election is different, and I’m not sure it’s as important as they seem to think.

But this is me overthinking it, maybe.

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this clip was the most shocking display of bias for me. I think it might actually work in Bernie’s favor it was so obvious. We’ll see I guess. Watching it live I was completely shook. Still shook now. CNN is awful


even everyone at my Pete-supporter watch party kind of gasped at that. It was really really fucking stupid.


Someone, like AT&T, the owners of CNN, really want this to be more about things like this than about M4A or whatever.

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Here’s the CNN clip afterwards afterwards in case you missed it, where Jess McIntosh, former Sr Comm Advisor for Hillary Clinton, says that the Bernie-Warren story isn’t a “he said, she said”

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I wouldn’t guess that this thing is entirely made up. Maybe Bernie pissed Liz off at the meeting, maybe a misunderstanding. Maybe she complained about it to some people right after the meeting. Someone has been sitting on it, whether it’s Liz or not, and waiting for what they think is the best time to release it. Maybe the last stupid story coming out just made them think this was the right time.

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What’s annoying is that CNN refusing to acknowledge the WaPo sources that claim the exact opposite

Probably the meeting at the beginning of this campaign got unfriendly with both of them trying to get the other not to run. Liz was hoping for the same deal from 2015 and Bernie was hoping she’d see that he had such a head start and she should help him.


This is among the happiest I’ve ever been to be in a time zone that assures that I sleep right through this crap.

Scrolling through all the Bernie crybaby comments was pretty fun with my coffee though. :smiley:

I have to agree with Vox though. Biden is sliding between rain drops. He’s the front runner and barely got attached

yeah, if I didn’t know better I would think everyone else was just conspiring to let him slide right into the nomination

You know Crazy Bernie is such a disgusting person. Such a vile and unfair thing he did to Pocahontas telling her a woman could never win. It’s a shame, a shame really. I think a woman could win, don’t you? Melania? Ivanka? Bernie really hates women. It’s sad because we have so many great, beautiful women–and nobody loves them more than me.


I’m having lots of bad feelings right now but I keep reminding myself how much better Bernie’s Iowa machine is than anyone elses. He’s going to win Iowa and NH and then things are going to get absolutely nutty.


“World Class Sexist Says He Doesn’t Believe Woman.”


it was like literally a zillion dollars

…yeah but the difference is that Nader was… [/in which which we re-re-re-…re-litigate the 2000 election]

No it’s not. Cite or ban.

How does Steyer have more credibility with everyone here than other politicians?




That was my initial assumption, and I’m assuming others based on the replies, when I happened to be the first to post it right after the story broke but then everybody took it the other way so I figured I was off. However, people are behaving as if it is ChrisV’s assessment and I’m not sure there is a clarification.