Democratic Primary Debates

Wow look at Bernie point and talk down to Elizabeth like a true misogynist.


Bernie needs to bring in Steyer as climate czar now and start using that sweet sweet cash. Steyer would actually be a good climate secretary, too.


I think Cory Booker had a good night. Like Iā€™m sure he was happy eating some vegan food and chilling with his hot fiancee.


Probably finishing it off with some Pepcid AC that he paid 3x actual cost for.

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How dare you

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Wow that look on his face, he is just disgusted that a FEMALE would talk to him like that.


Yup thatā€™s the clear interpretation of that video. Sickening.


Some nice unhinged posting on Warren, as expected. I thought when Warren was popular here, people liked her because of the same reasons I did, progressive voting record, impressive plans she clearly put a lot of thought into, and of course founding In the face of massive opposition a consumer agency that went after lenders for tens of billions of dollars. Literally none of that has changed, yet somehow she is suddenly a fake Democrat who has never been progressive and was just telling lies (and voting lies and creating agencies as a lie)


CNN blew it there, more like

After lying about not telling her women couldnā€™t be president Bernie has the AUDACITY to try to shake her hand.

Good summary of what happened. Completely agree.

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This is literally the whitest thing Iā€™ve ever seen.


Why did they have to make the headphones look so goofy?

And why have headphones at all? My local poker room with like 20 TVs is connected with a phone app you can use to listen to any of them with your own earbuds or whatever.

wapo had klob/warren as winners, wonder if thatā€™s the general population thoughts too

unstuck clearly had steyer and maybe bernie by default after you account for some of his questions

Pete needed to hit a homerun tonight and I donā€™t remember a thing he said.

I think if you take out anything we knew about them prior to the debate Steyer clearly won. Warren did a good job doing what she needed to in order to allow the media to torpedo Bernie so she is the winner in that regard.

I like how Bloomberg can just buy time on cnn even if heā€™s not in the debate. Has he tried buying an entire news network and turning it into a 24/7 campaign?

IMO Warren intended to just create awkwardness for Bernie, and make him clarify/apologize for what he said which was probably not serious and/or taken out of context.

Instead Bernie just went full ā€œwasnā€™t me, never happenedā€, which Warren didnā€™t expect and is probably a lie. So Warren is a bit pissed about that since itā€™s kinda cheating and thatā€™s why she didnā€™t shake hands.

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Except she backed off on M4A, was a bankruptcy lawyer who protected corporate interests and did nothing to fan the flames of an obvious bullshit hit piece on Bernie.

Fuck her. Sanders was the only way to go from the beginning. Warren was a distant second for many here. Now I donā€™t think thereā€™s a preferred second option for me.


8:14 in

Honestly this is a big Yikes from Warren who literally as distant 3rd currently has little chance but to get VP nod or into someoneā€™s cabinet. She had pulled many suspect moves like the insane m4a ā€˜planā€™ and should only blame her failure on herself to this point. Maybe machiavellian political sense an ok tactical move but her intangibles are weak on sincerity so its kind of missing the forest for the trees. At this point its hard to imagine a world were Biden can beat Trump, Warren VP or not. If anything she is probably more of a liability than a strength in this slot for him since he should honestly pick a female that is younger and darker.

Soooooā€¦ here we are where Warren literally refused to say that Sanders wasnā€™t a chauvanist and then refused to shake his hand. Itā€™s kind of a penny-wise, pound-foolish strategy and a good summary of why she wonā€™t ever be president. She wouldnā€™t run against Hillary and might have honestly been the president now. Today she is the toady of the Republic-crat Neo-liberal establishment and her best chance is the 45% that Biden gets the nom then Trump runner runners himself in the general. Seems unlikely.

I still think all this, but trying to leverage a private conversation like that is scummy politics. She knows full fucking well Bernie is not any kind of misogynist, but sheā€™s still trying to leverage this against him, get the idpol crowd all sweaty. It sucks. If she really has a Plan For That then letā€™s hear her attack Bernie on policy, not this horseshit.

Thereā€™s thinking someone would do a good job in office and then thereā€™s liking them as a candidate and itā€™s pretty hard for me to do the latter now, sheā€™s lost a lot of respect from me.