The implication was clear, but Castro was wrong. Two minutes prior, Biden said that under his health-care plan, “every single person who is diagnosed with cancer or any other disease can automatically become part of this plan.”
You seriously need to stop bringing disinformation campaigns to threads when the exchange was on TV and recorded. Biden being bullied on when he wasn’t wrong is exactly what will turn potential voters away from his competition. It’s why Bernie is trying to court his supporters.
I don’t know. It was weird. But after the debate when they were doing post-debate interviews Bernie said Joe was a good and decent guy and considered him a friend, but his policies suck. I actually didn’t know they were even that close.
If you are a business owner and want to keep providing health plans as a benefit to your employees, fine. If you’re an individual and want to buy insurance on the open market, fine. If you want to pay a Medicare premium and have that be your coverage, fine.
Smh at all who are saying they won’t vote for Biden over Donald fucking Trump. So dumb. Do you know who will be voting for Joe Biden and campaigning for Joe Biden if he wins the nom? Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Wow they must be corrupt neoliberal shills who want Tom Cotton in 2025.
I’m already paying one every time the boss issues me a paycheck though. I wouldn’t object to paying more and shitcanning my group health coverage, but I’d have the option and that’s a great selling point imo.
You could stop doing that, and also stop having deductibles and copays. And the people who work at the Burger King down the street wouldn’t have shittier insurance than you by virtue of the fact they have a worse job.
And to top it off, all of it would be trillions of dollars cheaper than the status quo.
That’s not even the issue with the Biden and Castro exchange. It was whether any one would be thrown out on the streets and Biden had said cancer victims and others with serious health issues would be enrolled 100%.
Do I agree with Biden’s water down policies? No. The issue I have is Castro being wrong and also turning Biden into a sympathetic figure at the same time.
Yes but how will we know who has a serious health issue? Who defines “serious health issue”? Sounds like an effort will have to be made by the individual to prove it, which sounds a lot like “opting in” and not automatic enrollment.
So, if you’re sick you get free healthcare under his plan?
You don’t actually buy this shit right? His campaign site also has no mention of this gigantic exception to his Medicare choice plan. Insurance you have to pay for except when you’re sick doesn’t seem like a very viable strategy.
It is not true. His plan does not provide premium free coverage for sick people. It provides a public option that you need to buy into unless you are low income. That is what differentiates it from M4A.
The fact that Biden lied and said cancer patients would be covered doesn’t change that. It’s embarrassing that you’re going to the mat for this, and insulting that you’re accusing ME of spreading disinformation.