Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I guess if you ignore the fact that the exact same poster said “I obviously don’t think she is blameless”. I mean we literally have people itt saying Bernie lost because he was too honest and decent. Is it crazy to think maybe these people might not have the most rational post mortem of the 2020 primary wrt to the Bernie campaign?


I was about to reply to that post!

Socialist is obviously a sliding scale, but I think fundamentally Bernie is not a real real socialist, in that I think even if he got everything he wanted he would leave most of the means of production in the hands of capital. I think AOC is really a socialist though.

(edit: I see it’s back)

Since @goofyballer is begging for self-introspection, I will admit that releasing specific details on how she planned to achieve M4A was likely a strategic error. There was no value gained and she should have anticipated that some nitwits would attack her for it.

That right there was fucking everything though. You can’t fuck start in the compromise position against this fucking GOP.

You fucking start with M4A immediately.

Maybe you have to compromise with 2 years

You start with 2 years, GOP is going to move you right


Yeah, and even if it was an honest statement of a realistic goal, it came off as trying to eat your cake and have it too.

I mean Bernie has M4A because it’s his bill. Warren had M4A because she cosponsored the bill. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them running on the same bill.

Her doing the wonky tinkering way, way before necessary was just a way to disparage Bernie and the bill she cosponsored. It was a declaration of non-unity and the beginning of turning on Bernie.

People have picked it apart from many angles but I’ve never seen this addressed, that simply needing a separate plan at that juncture showed a lack of solidarity.

Wonky tinkering which is literally her claim to fame != turning on someone come on man

I was about to add a p.s.


It wasn’t an error as it achieved its goal, disparaging Bernie and his non-wonky crazy-old-man style m4a.

I’m just telling you what a lot of people have been unable to articulate. Some think Warren was always full of shit, some think she lost herself as the campaign went on, some think neither though they thought her plan was bad in theory and/or practice, but there’s another group who couldn’t put their finger on what was so unsettling but felt something was off. And my best assessment is this, that it wasn’t pure of heart tinkering but instead malicious wonkery as a cheap political ploy and attack.

Malicious Wonkery

Which is why you can be safely disregarded, by characterizing her whole campaign as a dirty trick. Not everything is about Bernie. There were 20+ candidates ffs.

I’d say the opposite, though as an anarchist you might be opposed to his “nationalize everything” approach.

It’s a point worth mentioning though. People brought up his deep dark secret “nationalize it all” views from decades ago, not grasping that now he’s [gasp] actually not stubborn and maybe able to compromise.

Motherfucker I literally just specified that ONE plan tinkering at that ONE specific point in time.

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Then rephrase the question as asking what exists in the space between whatever Bernie is and establishment centrist moderate Democrats.

Did I accidentally stumble into Brain Injury From A Recent Stroke Forums? I’m looking for Unstuck Politics. Plz direct me to Unstuck Politics.

But Liz wasn’t supposed to be significantly to the right of Bernie! That was the story this whole time, remember?!?

You know, it’s possible to have a choice between two good, principled candidates with the same good, principled views and voters just decide who has the most bitching haircut. At least, that’s how it’d work in a sane world.

Has he said “nationalize everything”? He certainly has a history of compromise though and worked with people like developers in Burlington.

AOC though? Well, it’s part of the Democratic Socialists platform (seize the means) and it’s where she comes from. Bernie calls himself a Democratic Socialist, but I think she was an active member of the DSA. Right when she was getting famous I went to an event that was full of all kinds of anarchists and communists and she was supposed to be there, but she ended up just being shown with a video message. I think she was wary of associating with such radicals, which is understandable. It was a diverse group and like tankie cultists from RevCom were there.


And 6ix, I definitely am reluctant to call you out, not just because you’re cool, but because I am not always confident I know where you’re coming from, but I feel like the anarchist thing for me to do is to say that it’s probably not cool to post about the brain injury stuff.

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Little overboard? I probably should’ve just stuck to the tongue-biting reaction gifs.