Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

It’s very clear that the main issue for a lot of voters was electability. I think that neither Warren nor Sanders spend enough effort on attacking specific moderate candidates early on, driving up their negatives, and making them be perceived as less electable. I have a lot of problems with the left in general tending to act as if they are more suited for diplomacy instead of war.

What the left really needed was a (figurative) bomb thrower who could play Malcolm X to Bernie’s MLK act. I mean, I think Vic is wrong on some things, but we needed a candidate like him around who could establish and speak for the guillotine wing of the left.

A great strategy for winning elections - declare a 95th percentile leftist to be an awful person because they are not a 98th percentile leftist and refuse to ever vote for them.

People respectfully not touching this isn’t a green light to double down on running your dumb ass mouth.


Like holy fuck not to blow your mind out of your ears but WARREN SUPPORTERS SHOULD BE THE MOST MAD AT HER.

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Kinda sorta, but the election should never have been close in the first place. It’s like, everyone knew the Clintons had decades of baggage and if it wasn’t EMAILZ it woudl have been BENGHAZIIIIIII or Juanita Broderick or else they would have made something up out of whole cloth. The basic failure was NOT that the Republicans smeared her, the problem was that she had absolutely no message to Joe Six-Pack. People just stayed home on election day. Democrats do not stand for anything. There is no motivation to get out of bed and vote Hillary or Biden, they’ve forgotten the politics of self-interest. No one votes for “Trump is a terrible, incompetent president.” They vote for “Here’s how Dems will help me.”


Oh good god yes. Him being the one they hand it to is real darkest timeline shit.

Like, I’m trying to imagine how many brain injuries from recent strokes I’d need for Bernie instead to turn on Liz in the bizarro world and call her a dumb ass ■■■■ or something and me to blame her for that. At least one I’m guessing.


But they’re not! Quite a few of them are mad at Bernie or at least his team in fact. Write them all off right? No reason to ever take any responsibility.




I was all in on Liz until she went, hey give me 2 years then lets do universal healthcare

Should be more obvious than ever why we have to have universal healthcare fucking now

But fuck it all, lets go sleepy Joe


It takes more than 0 brain injuries to think that calling someone a dumb ass ■■■■ is equivalent to responding to a report that was leaked by someone else and already confirmed by multiple sources. In any case, the Berniesphere had been trashing Liz for months before that.

Agreed, name calling is nowhere near as severe as what Liz did.

But the point was more about “turn on”. They were trashing Liz because her m4a dance was the first turning on Bernie.

It must take multiple brain injuries or at least a serious case of worms to think that this

or this

is the mastermind of someone who is in any way against M4A.

Ok but srsly am I supposed to be flagging this breathtakingly stupid shit or what? It’s in the territory of “if you’re not willfully and maliciously trolling the forum you might as well be”.

I never said she was against M4A. You get that, right?

I really need to know the answer to this question.

No, wtf do you mean by “m4a dance” then?

That’s Bernie. He’s a socialist but he runs on a moderate social democrat platform.

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