Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Right so it wasn’t her policies, it was

I wonder what thing that could be. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

To varying degrees of seriousness, pretty much. Some of it on the level of “I dunno, nationalize it?”

True, but I’m factoring in AOC’s hate potentially not staying pure. There’s that Politico article I’m not fully hand-waving away.


She’s supposed to be significantly closer to Bernie policy-wise than to the center, at least on her cornerstone economic issues, and I don’t think she has done anything to suggest otherwise. Even her two-step M4A plan still ends up on M4A in the first term. I think her plan is still closer to Bernie’s plan than something like Buttigieg’s Medicare for all who can afford it.

Doesn’t matter how hard people keep saying that Warren is a centrist, I’m going to keep telling you there are four lights.

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If you don’t know what the hell somebody is talking about it’s not bad to just ask. There’s a good chance that somebody didn’t explain themselves well.

The fact that both you and iron81 misunderstood in a similar way means either the same conqueror worm controls your brains or I didn’t explain myself well. Maybe both.

Right, so why are we describing her, 2019 Liz, as the midpoint between Bernie and the center?

I refuse to agree with any point of view that paints her as an establishment figure. I don’t care if people see her as Bernie-lite or as a midway between Bernie and the centrists. The people she works with in the Senate firmly places her in the same wing of the Democratic Party as Jeff Merkley and Sherrod Brown.

Also, kind of disappointed you never told me how you think my opinions on PLO8 are wrong and I’m a horrible nit in the Poker Hands thread.

Probably my fault for sharing. I should have learned from twitter when I shared a recovery video to show some internet friends in my chess club how I was doing in physical therapy that was mocked by some Trump NRA trolls. Didn’t think it would happen in a non Trumpy environment but i guess that was naive.

Well, the point Guillotine made is sound in theory. “I’m a socialist” and “I’m a capitalist to my bones” are at odds. In practice though Bernie would govern to the right and the platonic ideal of 2019 Liz who was making billionaires cry would govern to the left.

The establishment-figure critique has to do with the super tuesday shenanigans and what not, as in, aiding the establishment. To be honest I’m still a little in shock and with the pandemic haven’t 100% processed it. Close, but it still feels surreal.

Aw sheeit I’ve been meaning to.

For the record I’m not mocking your brain injury. I’m mocking the unimaginable hubris and arrogance of revealing that whilst telling people their brains don’t work and they’re unable to think rationally. Like, I literally can’t imagine it.

You see the distinction, right?

I’m not going to try to that hard to convince you, largely because of how little you seemed to care when making your jokes, but telling someone they are being irrational about a specific topic is not remotely the same as a brain injury or questioning whether someone with a brain injuries brain or really anybody’s brain “works”. Being irrational about a certain topic through ignorance, bias or just plain making a mistake is something that practically everybody does pretty much everyday, and calling it out is always fine. Sometimes it’s even helpful.

Making a meme about brain damage or saying “Did I accidentally stumble into Brain Injury From A Recent Stroke Forums” or “Im trying to imagine how many brain injuries from recent strokes I’d need for…” because you find certain posts irrational is 100% mocking an injury. I do have a brain injury like I said and it impacts my speech and my ability to use the right side of my body. But it has no bearing on my ability to think rationality. I’m still capable of thinking rationally and also being irrational about specific topics exactly like I was before my injury and like anyone else.

It takes no more hubris for me to claim somebody is being irrational than anybody else and I would absolutely have no issue with somebody claiming I was being irrational about something whether they knew of my condition or not. I wish I could say stuff like this rolls off my back, but it honestly doesn’t so I won’t be back here for fear of having my evening ruined again by being made fun of for a brain injury just because someone thinks I’m wrong or being irrational about a specific topic.

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So Johnny has Tourette’s or what?

Again, I’m “making fun” of you being offensively, arrogantly stupid (or consciously trolling). I’m not saying “Hahaha! That man had a stroke and his misfortune amuses me!” unto itself. You don’t want to use the brain injury excuse for the offensive, arrogant stupidity? Cool. Touche!

PROTIP: At the next place you get called out for your whole thing, you should use the brain injury excuse.

And, your behavior triggers my depersonalization/derealization disorder but I had to read your last masterclass again:

microbetChé of Walrus


Bernie spoke out at length before Congress on the crime bill in 1994. Pretty sure you’re full of shit, but maybe I’ll look into your CNN piece at some point.



It quotes him and you can find the video of the interview if you want. But don’t let facts ever get in the way of your feelings!!!

microbetChé of Walrus



Yeah. Even your characterization of what is said in that article is bullshit.

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I don’t understand the need for so much ugliness.

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Let’s say your running against an ideological equivalent. Not sure why you would but maybe you think it’s time for a woman to be president. Unfortunately you don’t hit it off with voters and you get totally crushed in the 1st 3 states, poll in single digits and have zero path going forward. What do you do?

  1. Drop out and fully endorse the candidate that aligns totally with your entire belief system (allegedly)
  2. Attack the frontrunner you are ideologically aligned with over a bad faith interpretation of some nonsense statement from years ago, go against your “strongly held position” against money in politics to take millions in super pac money and run as a spoiler in the most important races of the campaign.

Tough choice imo.


Those aren’t the only two choices.

Do you agree that doing #2 is sus behaviour?

People throw around the word without truly understanding the ideology.

There is a vast difference between being a socialist compared to being a Democratic Socialist.

A socialist advocates for seizing the means of production as well as doing away with private property and usually consists of consolidation of power by a select few.

Sanders isn’t a socialist, he suggests reformist approach that doesn’t do away with capitalism in its entirety, as socialism eventually suggests, but instead regulates it, providing public services and substantial welfare within the frame of an essentially market-led economy. He also doesn’t advocate ridding the country of democracy, instead he champions the fundamental premise that everyone in America should have a say in who represents them in government.

Bernie, and his surrogates, did a piss poor job in differentiating the 2 and has allowed the media, the establishment and the conservative right to tee off on him indiscriminately on the issue.

Yeah, No


So the 3 moderates who dropped out before Super Tuesday are corrupt opportunists who colluded against Bernie, but Warren is evil for not doing the same thing.

The fact that Warren didn’t endorse Bernie is indeed awful and it would be nice if Team Bernie offered up any analysis beyond her being a snake who dreamed up her whole campaign as a way to destroy him.