Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Yes it would be nice if we didn’t live in this reality I agree. Warren should have dropped out and colluded with the person whose ideology she aligns with exactly.

Directly from their platform

Nowhere on their platform do they advocate seizing the means or outlawing private property.

Y’all are still spewing over Warren? JFC.


Social ownership is seizing the means.

The answer to the second question is “not yet” not “no”.

Certain posters here need to be reminded that she is a liar that took the money bag from a joe arpaio donor and should never again be trusted.

These same posters want to bleat on about campaign strategy because it conceals the basic fact that Bernie is small donor driven and Warren lied about it. If you’re still a Liz Lad you’re supporting everything that is wrong with American politics.


You’d think if she was such an evil snake she would have just ran in 2016 when Bernie asked her to.

Because there’s clearly no other plausible reason why she would decide not to endorse someone whose team has been making nonstop hissing sounds at her and everyone fighting for her.

Total mystery why she didn’t endorse your guy!

“Team” is doing a lot of work here . It wasn’t Bernie. It wasn’t high profile campaign surrogates. It was cherry picked tweets to fit into a narrative that the Hillary camp pitched. Abandoning poor people without insurance is a great reaction to that. I would expect most privileged posters on Unstuck to be fine with it because it doesn’t materially affect them.

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She saw my posts? Hi Liz. Thanks for selling out the working class

Alex what do you think about Warren and pac money? Anything concerning about having a joe arpaio donor on speed dial? Do you like your politicians small donor driven or do you like them to take the money bag?

I doubt Liz is such a baby that hissing had anything to do with her endorsement decision.

Lmao she explicitly said so on Maddow after she dropped out

I can’t think of much else that defines Warren than being a massive massive baby

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Keep doing what you’re doing for the next few months. It’s clearly working.

I wouldn’t take her word for that.

I am a high profile Bernie campaign surrogate and I will take your advice into consideration for our next meeting

Lol at not being able to yell at elected officials that sell out working people. You’re a trip

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I know you guys love the “just a podcast” and “mean people online” narratives but there is like half a degree of separation between Bernie’s campaign, Chapo, and the online left. Amber Frost and Briahna Gray worked for the same company. It’s all the same group of people.

Why? If she were simply a calculating opportunist then there’s no way she’d want to run against the lock of the year and anger the Clinton machine just because she disagreed ideologically.

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How many women have to come out and say that Bernie fans are uniquely toxic even compared to Trump supporters before you decide they’re not all making it up?

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350 obv.


I never said they were making it up. Are you stupid?

This was a strategic $2700 donation as has been explained many times. But sure, you’ve found another truly evil person congrats.

“She also donated $1 million to Fair Fight Action, the voting rights group founded by Stacey Abrams[30] in Georgia, which filed a civil rights lawsuit in federal court to address voter suppression.”

“The candidates whom she supported include Lauren Underwood, the youngest African-American woman to serve in Congress,[20] and Sharice Davids, a former mixed martial arts fighter who became the first openly LGBT Native American to serve in Congress.[21]