Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

The country does the absolute minimum to keep poors from disrupting things in ways that would personally inconvenience rich people, the end.


ā€œThis happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it,ā€ Lynda LaCasse, who lived next door to Reade in the mid-1990s, told Insider.

The other source, Lorraine Sanchez, who worked with Reade in the office of a California state senator in the mid-1990s, told Insider that she recalls Reade complaining at the time that her former boss in Washington DC had sexually harassed her, and that she had been fired after raising concerns.

LaCasse told Insider that in 1995 or 1996, Reade told her she had been assaulted by Biden. ā€œI remember her saying, here was this person that she was working for and she idolized him,ā€ LaCasse said. ā€œAnd he kind of put her up against a wall. And he put his hand up her skirt and he put his fingers inside her. She felt like she was assaulted, and she really didnā€™t feel there was anything she could do.ā€

LaCasse said that she remembers Reade getting emotional as she told the story. ā€œShe was crying,ā€ she said. ā€œShe was upset. And the more she talked about it, the more she started crying. I remember saying that she needed to file a police report.ā€ LaCasse said she does not recall whether Reade supplied any other details, like the location of the alleged assault or anything Biden may have said.

ā€œI donā€™t remember all the details,ā€ LaCasse said. ā€œI remember the skirt. I remember the fingers. I remember she was devastated.ā€

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Uhā€¦weā€™re basically exactly at ā€œCBF level of evidenceā€ now.

What a shit show. Theyā€™ll never nuke him and give it to Bernie, ever. If this gets worse I donā€™t even know who they would tap. But they will probably just do the GOP ā€œyeah he did it, deal with itā€ move.

At least the utter depravity of the Democratic Party elite will be obvious and impossible to deny.


Iā€™m going to be shocked if Trump doesnā€™t tweet about this in the near future. GOP is going to go all-in on it and not give two shits about the hypocrisy. Dems will look weak and stupid.

Going to need HD video corroborating the incident or no deal.

Yep. I guess they are the Washington Generals in that presumably the Generals were paid out of the same account that the Trotters were.

Like what is their argument even going to be? Yeah our guy is a rapist but so is yours? Just an absolutely incredible time to be alive.

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Although if you take a wider view and realize the vast majority of ex prez were also sex pests at best it makes a little more sense.

Trump is not just going to tweet about it, he will eventually host a live press conference where she tells her story like he did with the Clinton accusers.

I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, and if this was a 20d-chess play that sheā€™s been orchestrating for the last 2 years, then bravo. Time for Hillary.

Legit rooting for the virus at this point


People I would vote for over Donald Trump:

  1. George W. Bush;
  2. A bush;
  3. Dick Cheney;
  4. The Rock;
  5. A Rock;
  6. Richard Nixon;
  7. Ted Cruz
  8. Tom Cruise;
  9. Dan Quayle;
  10. A quail;

Lol all you sweet summer children who think thereā€™s going to be an election in November.

gjge, Dems. Kept Joeā€™s rape allegations under wraps just long enough for him to clinch the nomination.


Iā€™m sorry, but Cheney/W have killed way more people than Donald Trump has. I know that thatā€™s not the only metric, but gun to my head Iā€™m easily voting for Trump over Cheney specifically. Give Cheney Trumpā€™s 2016-2020 years and thereā€™s a real good shot weā€™re at war with Iran and/or NK.

Iā€™d vote for Trump over Kissinger too. War criminals who intentionally kill millions of humans are worse than two-bit mentally ill con-men who might semi-accidentally kill hundreds of thousands or millions of humans.


How can you say this in such a matter-of-fact fashion? You have no idea if there will be an election or not. Itā€™s so weird to so casually throw out a bold assertion about a massively significant event 6 months from now.

Itā€™s an even dumber version of the common ā€œwell if Trump wins a second term democracy is dead in America and we will be a one-party nationā€, thing. If you people genuinely believe this you need to leave NOW before you get stuck in late 30s Germany or whatever. It is quite logically inconsistent to be like, ā€œyeah weā€™re Soviet America and Democrats are all headed for the gulag but Iā€™m gonna chill for a bit. I might move someday, who knows ā€¦ā€.


The lowest hanging fruit and the article sucks but I lold at the headline/pic

None of us are the 2020 equivalent of Jews in 1930s Germany, ie undocumented immigrants from Latin America.

What we should do is stay here and help them if we can. And I mean personally, individually, in ways that may break the law, not by voting.

Edit: actually the Roma are a better comparison than Jews. They will be much less remembered. None of us are Romani.


Obviously nobody here has any idea if shes telling the truth. But man do we have a lot of behavior very consistent with a legitimate claim.

I truly have no idea who theyā€™ll pick if they have to vote at the convention. Surely they know better than Hillary. The only person I can think of who wont ignite WW3 is Michelle Obama.

This whole thing fucking sucks. Fucking olds who literally canā€™t treat women like humans.

If I ran the DNC Iā€™d run only women.

People still need to vote for him imo.