Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

If they have to replace Biden it’ll be Cuomo I think, I just don’t know who else you could pick.

There won’t be a convention vote unless joe didn’t get to 1991.

edit–some berners on twitter are so dumb they think cuomo cancelled the primary, so WAAF there too.

I wouldn’t take Hillary over the field, but I’d take her over Cuomo.

There’s a huge overlap between people who wanted Avenatti to run 12 months ago and people who want Cuomo to run now.

The entire thought process is like Trump:bad, therefore Cuomo:good


I think she’s 0% personally, but she’s second fave behind Biden on Betfair.

It’s a weird situation because if Biden needs to be replaced there is nobody. So I don’t think Cuomo is a good idea, it’s just the only idea I have. Michelle Obama won’t want to do it. Throwing Oprah or The Rock or someone in is too on the nose. Hillary would be total suicide and the DNC have to know it. Obviously not Sanders. Bloomberg? Surely not. None of the other people who ran already got any votes and putting them in would be thumbing your nose at voters. I’m out of other suggestions at this point. Who else do they have who has a national profile and isn’t widely loathed?

As far as I’m aware the process is under the complete control of the DNC, they can just change their own rules such that delegates are irrelevant and nominate whoever they like.

I mean, Bernie would win the general election easily. He’s only a “no way” because lol DNC, even though he has now fallen in line behind two straight absolute dogshit candidates.

Christ those Clinton brainworms burrow deep.

Any credible Democrat should win the general election easily.

Give me a VP I like and I will be content to wait to nail his ass until after be beats Trump.

Cory Booker?

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He ran and nobody voted for him. You can’t really be like “hey you know this guy who couldn’t even make it to the first primary because he was polling at 0%, well you’re getting him”. It would mean endless questions about why they didn’t have Sanders or Bloomberg or someone who actually got some votes. If they pick someone outside the process they can just be like clean slate, blah blah.


Has Biden done anything in the last month? I haven’t followed this thread and haven’t heard shit.

Sure, but they’ve been trying for years to find one with no success.

As far as I can tell Biden has had a few failed online events and has otherwise been every bit as invisible as Kim Jong Un. Which is the correct strategy!


Any credible Democrat wins this particular general election easily. The dynamics of 2020 are different from the dynamics of 2016. Biden probably maximizes his chances if he can be perceived as a generic Democrat, when that would have been a bad tactic four years ago.

He’s released 6 whole podcasts. I can’t believe you missed 'em.

I had this realization yesterday and it made me surprisingly sad. Imagine if Sanders were the presumptive nominee right now. He’d have a nationwide task force helping to deal with the pandemic. He’d have a cohesive message of how he plans to help Americans. He’d have a socially distanced general election campaign in full swing.

Instead we have Joe Hiden, who has the drip drip drip of a rape accusation, and hasn’t done a god damn thing in a month+. This sucks so much.



So, what you’re saying is…she’s no angel?