Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

You do this a lot. Why?

Did you expect witnesses?

Lie detectors are pseudo-science.

I'll Allow It - Senor Chang


I genuinely hate Joe Biden. The guyā€™s a terrible person and a worse candidate. I didnā€™t think Trump needed to go to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden, Hunter Bidenā€™s whole career is a textbook example of 90ā€™s-00ā€™s era legal corruption. Add to that his many massively destructive votes and his being totally bought and paid for by the financial lobby and youā€™ve got a giant steaming pile of shit.

I gotta be honest the raping is bad, but itā€™s the cherry on top of the shit sundae. Heā€™s bad enough that itā€™s kind of irrelevant whether he actually sexually assaulted that obviously more than a little mentally unstable woman or not.

All of that being said Donald Trump is literally stupid Hitler. He just got done telling people to inject bleach into their veins as his solution to the global pandemic heā€™s more than a little responsible for. The economy has been wrecked, weā€™ve gone massively backwards on climate change, there are kids in cages, and mark my words when this is over weā€™re going to get a ton of stories about war crimes on a whole new level wrt indiscriminate airstrikes (way more indiscriminate than our usually very indiscriminate airstrikes with a massively increased frequency).

Iā€™d vote for basically almost anyone over Donald Trump. The Democrats could nominate George W Bush and Iā€™d vote for him over Donald. The Democrats could nominate Harvey Weinstein and Iā€™d vote for him over Donald. Thereā€™s a reason why the tiktok meme was ā€˜please donā€™t make me vote for Joe Bidenā€™ā€¦ because thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™ve done.

And seriously if Biden loses to Donald Iā€™m never giving any Democrat a dollar, a vote, or a minute of my thought ever again. Iā€™ll check out of politics and never be seen again. Iā€™ll probably leave the country physically and move somewhere thatā€™s not in the ā€˜fall of the empireā€™ stage.

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Well that was a pretty gross 12 hours of posts.


Feltstein is doing NO GROWTH

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Look at that you, me, and Elizabeth Warren agree on something. She absolutely hates him IRL by the way. Ever since the bankruptcy bill. I think thatā€™s as good a reason to hate him as the credible rape accusation too.

He really didnā€™t have a choice once the DNC threatened to kill a bunch of americans if he didnā€™t drop out


she hated his work on the bankruptcy bill so much that she didnā€™t bring it up once in a debate, great point

warren hates biden so much that she went on SNL to dance and waffle about her endorsement when he became the frontrunner

warren hates bidenā€™s big money politics so much so she took 15 million from a cutthroat donor who gave money to racist concentration camp runner Joe Arpaio

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New York primary cancelled to rustle bernie supporters.

This is fucking insane, and Iā€™m honestly having trouble coming to terms with the fact that this guy is going to be the nominee, will be supported by all of the fucking empty immoral liberals that resisted so hard by wearing their pussy hats, and in the end when he loses to Trump itā€™ll be Bernieā€™s fault. Everything feels like a nightmare right now.


Really glad I canā€™t vote in the primary in New York fucking state

wheatrich got the news a little mixed up, probably because he was busting several nuts upon hearing that something bad had happened to Bernie. the primaries are still going on , but you just canā€™t vote for Bernie.

Pretty annoyed that his dumb ass suspended his campaign to roll over, but Iā€™ll be hearing none of that from fascists like Wheatrich

what the fuck


Pretend youā€™re somewhere like Russia, you accept that itā€™s all a sham, and you never thought or expected anything different.



I think a problem Iā€™m having is squaring that idea with the idea that Iā€™m not just packing up my bags and leaving. Like, it very much feels like I should be looking into moving to whatever country will have me and is the least shitty option, but Iā€™m a lazy American with parents who would be devastated if I left and pretty limited marketable employment skills, and I am just not ready to do that. Having both of those thoughts coexisting in my head is just tough - it quickly devolves into ā€œwait am I just overreacting to how bad this stuff is?ā€

But I donā€™t think I am! Like, this is genuinely really fucking scary shit. Especially the fact that there are so many seemingly well intentioned people who say things like ā€œbelieve all womenā€ but are willing to defame this woman at the flip of a switch because Trump is bad.

But all countries suck. Are you going to Rojava or Chiapas?

You might as well move to the wilderness or homestead anywhere and just limit your interaction with the United States of America.

iā€™m in the same boat. this election has made it very clear that there is no will in America to take the bomb money and send it to sick people. could easily move were there no pandemic. the line of this forum and elsewhere is that we need to keep accepting the bombs and the rape as long as Republicans exist, when those warmongering rapists are campaigning on working with the Republican party. itā€™s madness

disagree that all countries suck in the same way. i can personally improve outcomes for myself if i leave this insurance madness. i can personally feel better about the coronavirus pandemic in a lot of different places.