Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

And about Ford not going to police. She never said Kavs penetrated her just that he was a drunken nutcase which he is.

Reade’s accusation is more severe and if I were her parent I’d call the cops. Happened in the capitol building. Ford was at a party drinking with friends. Not really the same.

I’m hazy on the Ford details it’s been a while.

Dude’s going full truther, huh.

By far the most damning evidence against Kavanaugh was his own dumbass testimony.

CBF’s account and the other ladies that were rep’d by Avenatti (lol) absolutely paled in comparison.

And yet black women overwhelmingly support him.

Let’s listen to some random Euro tell them why they’re wrong!

Reade was almost 30 at the time. It shouldn’t be her mother’s call on whether to report this to the police.

I’m talking about the language being used before the hearings.

Why wasn’t a police report filed?

Why wait til now?

She just wants attention.

She is crazy.

Dems, just rip the band-aid off and nominate Hillary already.

So you had the same reservations and asked the same questions before Kav testified?

Like I said, I believe Franken got railroaded and said so at the time.

Serious accusations with no trial is a lethal mix.

Honestly, anyone who watches Larry King, or knows anyone who does, should not be taken seriously.

So you have form, basically. Cool!

Hillary gonna be picked for Biden’s VP so that Briahna Brie’s head will explode.

And I will still vote for Biden

Trump told people to drink disinfectant. Who does that?

Too hazy about the Kav hearings now.

Just remember that Ford was totally believable and kavanaugh and his calendar were not. Kav also made it clear he was off kilter. On tilt. Nuts.

Reade is already not believable. On the stand and under examination, she would reveal herself to be the same caliber as Kav, not Ford.

She should resurrect Larry King and go on his show. Is he still alive?

Reade was on some daytime show huh? Or was it Fox?

Then why was it her mother’s call to call Larry King?

Larry King, though, amirite guys? Larry King! Talking about that Larry King, you know? Larry King.

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To be fair, if Blasey Ford went on Larry King and showed up with some dumb transcript at the hearing, I’d probably think she’s a weirdo too.

I don’t think Weinstein got railroaded. Nor Cosby.

When the evidence is there, you pay the price.

When people wave random transcripts around, you think twice.

Lol…I’m out.

Funny, an awful lot of his accusers had said nice things about him, too. Hey-ho.

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This level of pre-judgment is not a good look.

Maybe it shouldn’t be her call to do that either. People sometimes do things that they shouldn’t do.

Chapos talked quite a bit in a recent ep about how Biden has destroyed the idea of identity politics and #metoo in one go. Wild times.