Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

lol man you should just log off for the night

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I think one of the tragedies of the modern presidency is that it has morphed from an executive position, to both an executive and legislative position. Like, Trump during this crisis is exactly the evidence as to why you need a competent president with executive branch experience. Elect your Congresspeople based upon the legislative priorities you want to advance.

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Lolā€¦I am. Tired. But it was just getting good. Guess thatā€™s wht i had something like 27 usernames and 43 IP addresses at 22. Just ask wookie. Heā€™ll tell you. Whackamole all day.

There is a chance that Biden story is bullshit. I just donā€™t understand how anyone can be so sure one way or another.

This may help you understand:

We had a primary system where we all voted for delegates. If those delegates select a candidate with similar positions to Biden thatā€™s about as logical to me as any other alternative. This is academic anyway at that point, I donā€™t think Biden drops out unless other shoes start to drop, which is obviously entirely possible.

All already addressed, to the extent that a medium post by the fucking Krassensteins requires addressing lol.

Iā€™ll always think of Cuomo as the guy who signed Republican gerrymandering of the state senate into law after promising to veto it, then was entirely too willing to be an ally to the ā€œIndependentā€ Democratic Conference that handed Republicans control of that body in exchange for committee chairmanships.

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These allegations could be proven to be 100% true and I would still vote Biden over Trump.

Franken got what he deserved.

Itā€™s possible. But itā€™s possible any number of similar stories about other figures weā€™ve taken seriously are bullshit.

I mean, thatā€™s obviously completely rational, if for no other reason that Trump, in addition to all his other myriad horrific faults, has also definitely sexually abused magnitudes more women than Biden.

cuomo doesnā€™t have anything close to a presidential platform or any sort of national plan, i donā€™t see how you can say they have broadly similar policies. on the other hand heā€™d probably be a good boy and listen to the bankers and defense contractors so itā€™d still be a good fit

For me, it was Kavanaughā€™s own performance at the hearings which told me this guy is a loon and should not sit on the highest court.

Ford also acquitted herself well.

Have a hearing with Ms Reade. Iā€™d enjoy that. She can bring her transcript.

But Iā€™m also fine with people whose conscience tells them that they cannot in any way vote for Biden no matter how bad Trump is. That is a completely rational stance to have.

Why not a hearing with both Reade and Biden?

Only if the hearing also includes Trump and his 587 accusers.

Really? I thought a bunch of senators came out later and said he got railroaded. That they made a mistake.

Kavanaugh did not have to appear. He chose to. For Biden, there is no reason to participate.

I just think sexual assault accusations should be examined in some way.