Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Biden fucked up plenty: Anita, Iraq, Crime Bill, Glass-Steagall.

But wild accusations from this nutter are beyond the pale.

But these allegations got the Bernie Bros hot and bothered. They are furious.

Cool, detached: The guy screaming about lie detectors and variable surnames!!!
Flustered, irate: Everyone else


You missed answering this one. No surprise.

What mother calls the cops against her daughterā€™s express wishes?

I copy pasted that. It came over in bold. Iā€™m on my phone so I have limited powers.

And you appear to be tge one who lost your mind when I simply said tgat the transcript is not evidence of sexual assault, wbich it isnā€™t.

Then you started posting articles from various sites to prove I donā€™t know what. Something something.

And lie detectors do work, they are just not admissable in court, which is the same fate this Tara Reade character would meet with that lol transcript.

Biden should withdraw, dems should nominate Cuomo. EZ Game.

I feel like Iā€™m reading a thread during the Kavanaugh hearings. WhErE iS tHe PoLiCe RePoRt?!?!


No, donā€™t call the cops. Go on national tv and talk about your ā€œproblemsā€.

The only thing that transcript is evidence of is bad parenting.

I thought we all had to vote dem because trump was a unique existential threat to democracy? A threat so get the only solution to save democracy is to install a person who got zero votes in any contest as the democratic nominee.


Al Franken got railroaded too.

I mean I actually like Franken a lot. Biden notvso much. But I know bullshit when I see and smell it. You Bernie Bros done stepped in it.

I even picked Franken to win way back on 22 in a contest. I got the electoral vote exactly fucking right as well. Along with 2 other politards. Supposed to win monies but that bluegrass guy never paid up cuz he was libertaarian and I used to skin his posts alive. Lol

If you want to get all the Bernie Bros hot and bothered, tell them that Reade originally supported Warren in the primaries and this is all part of a plot to replace Biden with Warren as the compromise candidate.

You said it wasnā€™t evidence, not that it wasnā€™t evidence of sexual assault. I posted articles to show that you were misrepresenting events (I make no comment on whether this was deliberate or the result of you not knowing your shit, pick your poison).

The legacy of joe biden is going to be mind blowing. Heā€™s responsible for domestic slavery in the US prison industrial complex, the total anarchy of the middle east and the destruction of the me too movement. Heā€™s directly responsible for 3 era defining tragedies and heā€™s not even been president yet! Who knows what he has yet to do.


Ladies and Gentleman ā€” the Democrats!


As opposed to making the nominee one of the people who lost the primary process? Did Reade drop thee allegations before or after Sanders dropped out? If before, Sanders really shouldnā€™t have dropped out.

yes? how can that be a more ridiculous suggestion than just installing the governor that is on TV all the time because heā€™s the flavor of the month


I wonder if Biden still likes beer.

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yeah then cuomo can cut social services for the entire country like heā€™s planning on doing in NY. lol dems


putting in cuomo is a completely ridiculous suggestion

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