Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Chessmate in 3.

You are pulling from a different article, not from the Intercept article which you or some other stooge claimed was evidence.

if biden wanted the benefit of the doubt from me in this spot he should have simply not been caught on camera a dozen times weirdly touching a woman or child


So was it a fiendish plot spanning four decades or a last-minute retcon? You’re gonna have to pick one.

I am correcting the inaccurate portrayal of events you presented. Maybe you should be more familiar with events before honking your piehole?

The Washington Post interviewed Reade’s brother, Collin Moulton, who told the paper that she had told him in 1993 that Biden had “behaved inappropriately by touching her neck and shoulders” but not about the alleged sexual assault. Several days after that interview with Reade’s brother, the Post said, “he said in a text message that he recalled her telling him that Biden had put his hand ‘under her clothes.’”

Oh ok. Case closed!

Feltstein is just ahead of the curve. Pretty soon almost every registered Democrat is going to be calling you a Trumpkin conspiracy nut if you suggest Biden has ever done anything wrong.


“The Times said it also had spoken with nearly two dozen people who worked with Biden in the early 1990s, and none corroborated Reade’s allegation.”

Her stories have changed more times than trump changes wives.

They also change more times than trump has gone bankrupt, even if you include all the states and cities that are on the verge of bankruptcy thanks to the orange julius and his idiotic supporters.

Yeah, you see in the real world someone writes down the exact times, dates and places because, well in America you see anyone can become president.

Well only the real ones do.

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Anthony Zenkus, LCSW, is the director of education for The Safe Center, a victims services agency on Long Island providing services for survivors of family violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. He has worked for almost 30 years in the field of youth and family services.


I remember when Republicans claimed that Christine Blasey Ford’s account changed and lacked corroboration.

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So which is it? Does she remember the call or does she remember her mother telling her about the call?

And what mother calls Larry King instead of the cops? Or a lawyer? Her mother died a few years ago.

Have her take a lie detector test. Has she offered? Doubt it. She passes, I vote for trump. Deal?

Baptized 1648, Buckinghamshire, England

I refer to Aberycusgentylis to refute your point…

My point is mothers do strange things as they are human like the rest of us.

“I remember it being an anonymous call and her saying my daughter was sexually harassed and retaliated against and fired, where can she go for help? I was mortified,”

Nothing there says she heard the call, be a bit odd for her to say it mentioned sexual assault if she’d heard it, or indeed was claiming to have heard it.

Lie detectors don’t work, lol. But keep going. Ladies and Gentlemen — the Democrats!

It feels like you’re saying that unless an accuser does what you think you would do in her place, then the accusation is not credible.


There wad a ton of corroboration and her story did not change in any meaningful way.

I have no idea if this specific claim is credible but given his behavior towards Anita Hill and literally dozens of examples of creepy on camera touching, it’s, uh, NOT GREAT, BOB.

I get the impulse to bury it given the circumstances but the blame here falls on the DNC, the consensus was he would be me too’d like two fucking years ago.


1. In 2017, Reade (who was then going by a different name, Tara McCab) praised Biden on multiple occasions for his work on stopping sexual assault.

I love to hear the Democrats when they’re partying all night long
Love to hear the sacred sect when they’re saluting their favourite song
I love to see you smiling when you’re traveling 'round the world
Love to see you smiling when you’re kissing little girls
uncle joe