Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

His racism is trolling

He got me what a funny troll

That’s not evidence. The Intercept is trash and Glenn Greenwald is an idiot.

How is it not evidence?

Hearsay and conjecture are kinds of evidence, I s’pose.

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I think that’s sarcasm on the part of Yglesias, but Trump broke my sarcasm meter.

I can’t figure out anything about this dril person and why several people I follow on Twitter are following him.

Ohhhh, it’s not evidence sufficient to secure a conviction under a reasonable-doubt standard in a court of law I see, I see. Best ignore it, then. Nothing to see here.

Quick! Someone phone Avenatti. We have evidence sufficient to secure a civil judgment under a PotE standard.

Unless someone from Europe is being facetious on the Internet. Unless that.

It’s evidence she “had problems” not evidence that Biden sexually assaulted her or penetrated her with his finger.

Who the fuck calls Larry King for advice if their daughter tells them someone sexually assaulted her? I’m calling the cops and a lawyer.

Didn’t know you were from Europe, but I guess we do have to shut up about all those claims about Trump and we really must give that nice Spacey fella his job back etc.

Someone looking to persuade the far left that maybe Trump is their man.

It’s corroborative of the claim as far as could be reasonably expected. It isn’t proof, but that’s different. Will you concede that it doesn’t look great?

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Go fuck yourself.


The transcript makes no mention of sexual assault. Show me the police report.

Of course it doesn’t look great. Which is the whole purpose.

Damn, that’s some long-game shit calling into Larry King 27 years ago to fuck it up for the Dems now. Have to respect the craft.


She got fired, was pissed, and wanted to do something about it - 27 years ago.

Show me the police report from 27 years ago or gtfo.

Ladies and gentlemen — The Democrats!


So let me get this straight. Reade claims she was “mortified”, but just happened to also be watching the show at the same time her mother made the call? How does that work?

Jesus, you can’t even make stuff up good lol.

Reade said she recalls her mother telling her sometime after the alleged assault that she had called into Larry King’s show.

I mean even if that were the claim, which it isn’t, your fucking Matlock moment rests on the implausibility of someone watching Larry King. Genius!

There are several notable things about the emergence of the call. On the one hand, the caller does not specifically mention “sexual harassment” or retaliation, as Reade had recalled.

“I remember it being an anonymous call and her saying my daughter was sexually harassed and retaliated against and fired, where can she go for help? I was mortified,” Reade told me.”