Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

But yeah, Biden wasn’t my first, 2nd or 3rd choice, but he’s at least a chip and a chair.

And everyone needs to untwist their panties and vote for him.

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There is a percentage of Bros that voted for Trump but if you take all of the factors that led to Trump winning the negative Bernie bros contributed less than 1%.

The right doesn’t win because of toxic Bernie bros.

Ideology isn’t some continuum where everyone to the left of a certain point should vote Biden and everyone to the right should vote Trump. Whoever wins the nomination in a contested primary, there are always going to be people who aren’t going to support the winner. There were always going to be Biden>(Bernie=Trump) and Bernie>(Biden=Trump) and Biden>Trump>Bernie and Bernie>Trump>Biden voters, no matter the outcome of the primaries.

We can’t build machines with frictionless, massless pulleys. We don’t live in a society composed of homo economicus. And it’s a mistake to assume that all Bernie supporters should naturally fall in line behind Biden and that they are somehow acting irrationally if they don’t.

They are not acting the way you want them to because they are crazy or throwing a tantrum, or at least not all of them. Some of them are not acting the way you want them to because they are being completely rational in line with priorities that differ from yours.

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In general, I agree completely with your entire post with two small caveats.

  1. spreading obvious fake memes is not rational or good, in any context.
  2. as I’ve said many many times, if the republican candidate were a normal regular bad guy righty, I’d say bring on the vote boycott, trash the shitty dem in hopes it pushes the DNC. Trump is not that. He is a once in a century uniquely evil and awful politician warranting extraordinary measure to remove.

The reason Biden crushed Super Tuesday is because the previously divided establishment media was finally unified behind one #neverbernie candidate.


Time for Vic to go to the Green Party if Jesse Ventura runs:

I like Jesse, but lol at suggesting he’d take more Dem than R votes. Run Jesse, Run.

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wat now?

Finally a 3rd party candidate that can win!

If your political views are aligned with “the body” it might be time to take a good hard look at them.

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The whole “serious person” thing that people have is a big problem. It makes them suckers. It’s ridiculously easy to fool people who put so much weight in appearances.

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JFC. (see my previous post about saying 'jfc")

Jesse clearly would take votes from Trump, so it’s 100% clear now that you’re trying to elect Trump.

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Truly an incredible thing to say at a time when a reality TV show president is killing thousands of people per day.

Legit thought this was a Star Trek reference. Ventura should work it into his campaign.

Clever. You’re trying to block Jesse to help Trump, but make it look like you don’t like Trump.

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