Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Me spreading his views on climate change should make Trump voters more likely to want to vote for him no?

Based on what I’ve seen so far, he will get more votes from people like you than from the right.

Bernie’s thoughts:

You think we need more TV celebs in high office?

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I think a bunch of what people dislike about Bernie is that his hair is messy, he doesn’t wear an expensive enough suit, he doesn’t talk like a professor…I think a lot of people think that AOC danced and that’s disqualifying. And I think a lot of dumb people who happen to have some money think that everyone who doesn’t dress and speak correctly is dumb. And it’s a problem and it makes people suckers for anyone who can manage to present the way they are supposed to.

Gonna leave it at that before I have to block you too.


It’s a way of ensuring that only the ‘right’ people (aspirant middle-class at the very minimum and they’ll want gratitude) gain office.

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AOC and Bernie are serious, policy-oriented people imo. They’re not vapid reality TV stars like Trump or whatever.

Don’t get me wrong, if members of the cast of Predator can siphon votes away from the host of NBC’s The Apprentice by running for office, I’m cool with that. But I’m sure not down with Kanye 2024 or whatever.

What a strange way to make his point. Very few people care about Bernie’s hair or AOC’s dancing. Nate Silver is a centrist demigod, and the dancing was one of those online things where the reaction to the reaction was 100 times stronger than any initial criticism.

Bernie has one of the highest favorability ratings of any politician precisely because he is viewed as authentic, even by people who disagree with him. The reason that Bernie and AOC are hated by “serious” people has little to do with style, it’s because they are trying to disrupt the system and encroach on their wall street profits.

I agree with Micro that there shouldn’t be WASPy gatekeeping and if AOC wants to dance or Kate Porter wants to walk around dressed up like Batman, that’s cool with me. I don’t think this means we should start electing frivolous unqualified clowns like Trump or W or The Rock or whoever.


Micro, my comment about Ventura has nothing to do with his looks or how he speaks. People should question their views if they align with his because he holds really dumb policy views.

Edit: I will say though that effective communication is a pretty important skill for a politician. Everyone doesn’t need to be Obama, but clearly being as bad as Trump has real consequences.

People should question their views if they align with Biden

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You might be the most level-one thinker I have ever encountered.

Trump is right about some things too how about that?

Isn’t Ventura a garden variety libertarian?

He is a 911 truther and general conspiracy nut.

Larry Summers Advising Biden Campaign on Economic Recovery

Summers was critical of Sanders’s and Warren’s wealth tax during the Democratic primary and has specifically called out the work of two economists, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, who advised the two former candidates on those plans.

This isn’t surprising, wouldn’t we expect a Biden admin to have a ton of Obama admin influence? That’s basically his whole value proposition to voters. Well, that and a firm stance against malarkey.

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In interviews with The Intercept, Reade also mentioned that her mother had made a phone call to “Larry King Live” on CNN, during which she made reference to her daughter’s experience on Capitol Hill. Reade told The Intercept that her mother called in asking for advice after Reade, then in her 20s, left Biden’s office. “I remember it being an anonymous call and her saying my daughter was sexually harassed and retaliated against and fired, where can she go for help? I was mortified,” Reade told me.

Reade couldn’t remember the date or the year of the phone call, and King didn’t include the names of callers on his show. I was unable to find the call, but mentioned it in an interview with Katie Halper, the podcast host who first aired Reade’s allegation. After the podcast aired, a listener managed to find the call and sent it to The Intercept.

On August 11, 1993, King aired a program titled, “Washington– ‘The Cruelest City on Earth’?” Toward the end of the program, he introduces a caller dialing in from San Luis Obispo, California. Congressional records list August 1993 as Reade’s last month of employment with Biden’s Senate office, and, according to property records, Reade’s mother, Jeanette Altimus, was living in San Luis Obispo County. Here is the transcript of the beginning of the call:

KING: San Luis Obispo, California, hello.

CALLER: Yes, hello. I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him.

KING: In other words, she had a story to tell but, out of respect for the person she worked for, she didn’t tell it?

CALLER: That’s true.



Yeah I’m not remotely surprised by any of this. Joe Biden sucking is something that’s been obvious from outer space since he decided to run. For some unknowable cosmically hilarious reason he’s the guy we’re running vs Florida Man.

Still going to vote for him in November, and so are the rest of you. Can this thread die out already? It’s definitely just adding to our collective depression which is already quite high enough.

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