Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Black Twitter is only one of the sources I use. I am aware that it is biased towards activists of a certain age, but it’s easily accessible.

How many posters here demonstrate a willingness to step outside of their personal bubbles?

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Bidens campaign clearly doesn’t need any help.

I doubt this is real.

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i think im gonna give my guy a vacation and just use that gif

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looks like it originated on some conservative reddit and isn’t real

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Bernie didn’t win South Carolina because he’s not Christian. And, worse, there was a whiff of atheism.

Bernie kicked ass in Nevada because he had superstar AOC and the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Cruz, campaiging for him there. Those 2 are rockstars, especially AOC. I watched a few of their rallies. Off the hook.

We are literally watching the right win again. Spread stupid Biden memes and have the Bernie bro’s gleeful spread them for and wide.

I think you are massively overrating how harmful such things are.

Ok we might even be thinking of different things. The confusion might be on my part.

I want you to think carefully about whether or not this is the game you want to play.

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Really? Its literally how they won in 2016.

And this is the second time in two days one of them posted a fake meme on this very site assuming it was real.

I am willing to say that I believe that several posters who disagree with you seem to be living in bubbles. Do you disagree with that statement?

Hillary Clinton was such a bad candidate. Bernie bros didn’t cause people to turn against her. At most, they helped provide an easy explanation for people who were already inclined to turn against her, but those people would have turned anyways and found a different explanation for their actions.

I don’t believe the Comey letter was as influential as people think, either. I believe that late deciders were always going to break for Trump. The Comey letter was a convenient excuse, not the thing that pushed 50-50 voters over the edge.

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No, that part I’d agree with, though the bubble might be something like Black Twitter assuming we’re thinking of the same thing.

Big factor for sure. Lotta god damned Christians in SC.

All of this is true.

However, people spreading lies because they supported their preconceived ideas also happened a lot. To historic levels. It didn’t help.

We are living 2.0 and it’s infecting this very site.

Not be a dumb neurotic bitch?

They won in 2016 because of Bernie Bros posting Biden memes?

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Speaking of primaries, I’d love for AOC to primary Schumer. I know it’s a pipedream, but meh. Maybe he eventually retires, probably not tho as he’s in line for majority leader.

He means the Bros did negative campaigning. It’s not a controversial take. I didn’t but other Bros did.