Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I mean you thought there was a good chance it was real right? I assume you wouldn’t have posted it if you knew for a fact it was fake. That’s why you said Yeesh and :grimacing:.

So to give you the benefit of the doubt of not being disingenuous, what any reasonable person would do when told it’s a fake account would be to say something like “Ah right, my bad.” And then forget about it. That does require not thinking in terms of internet egos though.

Let’s end the malarkey and disingenuousness: no one here has had any interest in taking shots at Buttigieg since he’s dropped out of the race.

How would this reasonable person have gone about telling me, and how closely does that resemble how I was told?

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I don’t think your gloom is warranted. Everything is in fact pointing the opposite way. America is getting more liberal not conservative. Demographics suggest current minorities will be growing significantly. It’s hard to feel it but trump is more likely a last gasp of his type of politics than a future.

Actually…YOU would. But once again, you are projecting your world view onto me.

Maybe I should move to the “what can biden do to win you over” thread because apparently for you there’s literally nothing.

All of you bitched and complained all season about how Biden didn’t have Bernie’s “game” or whatever you want to call it. Now when I call him out for it you jump on me? And no, I’m not talking about policies. I’m talking about campaigning, organizing, ground game, digital game, etc. You know, the stuff that actually wins elections.

At this point, if you aren’t actively wanting Biden to improve, then I’ll just mark you down in the “voting for Trump” column. The mask is off, and you aren’t even close to being a real progressive if that’s the case. Whine and complain, or try to make Biden move a little bit toward what you want to see…and y’all choose the whine and complain option? I just don’t get it.


This is a fair take. I think it makes sense to target his actual campaign staff. They should do better. As was just pointed out in the “intellectual low content” thread it’s important for the people to push those in power to do the right thing. This is why I keep harping on grassroots organizing.

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This just nails it.

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why would Bernie supporters bitch and complain how Biden didn’t have Bernies “game”? We aren’t Biden supporters lol

Credit to the Biden team, they are on top of the concerns about Smilin’ Joe:

  1. If that is the stuff that actually wins elections then how did Biden win the primary despite being horrible at it

  2. If you mean general elections, then why did Pete endorse Biden despite his team being horrible at the stuff that actually wins elections.

People would be a lot more receptive to what you have to say if you expressed the slightest bit of discomfort over what Pete did rather than praising it as a savvy career move.


I don’t have the empirical evidence to back it up, but I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if older black voters in the South are influenced by the church pastors and congregations from which they attend.

I already answered #1 waaaay up thread. Biden did nothing. Pete and Amy (and Beto, I guess) endorsed and were able to re-mobilize their volunteer teams in a day. Why? Because they had good ground games, with good digital and social media structures, so that when the word went out, it spread fast.

Virginia for Pete, a grassroots group, had literally thousands of volunteers across the state (the one Biden didn’t bother campaigning in). When Pete endorsed Biden, in 36 hours they retooled everything to “Team Pete for Joe”. Same with Klob in MN.

Personally, I didn’t retool San Diego for Pete into “San Diego for Joe” because I wasn’t excited about Joe, my volunteers weren’t all that exited about Joe, and they basically voted for him (those who hadn’t early voted, that is) because the candidate they believed in asked them to. I didn’t feel it was right for me to be a dictator and turn it into a Joe group because I believe in free choice. I know several volunteers and even a member of my leadership team who voted for Bernie.

Most didn’t want to vote for Bernie because they had lived for a year being bullied and browbeaten and trolled by Bernie supporters (yes in real life, don’t tell me it didn’t happen because I could flood this thread with people and their personal stories), and it turned them off. These were not politically active people. They were normal people who felt inspired by Pete and turned off by Bernie and his team.

If Bernie dropped out early and endorsed someone, would you rant and rave against Bernie and be angry at him? Really?

Could you even begin to fathom that maybe, just maybe, a whole bunch of people who supported Pete actually support him, and want him to be a part of governing this country for years to come? You say it’s Pete’s ambition, but tbh, it’s OUR ambition to get Pete out of Indiana, where he’ll go nowhere, and into something bigger and better. If that horrifies you, well, I would contend that a LOT of democrats are scared of Bernie or AOC and feel about them the way you do about Pete. By the way…BOTH sides of that coin are based on ridiculous assumptions and biases, and neither are based on facts.

Why would Pete supporters be discomfited by Pete endorsing the person who will get him closer to places where they want him to be?

Personally I would have preferred he not endorse anyone, but we see how that worked for Warren. Yeah, I was angry at first…but more so that he dropped out, not so much about the endorsement. But time heals all wounds, and lends perspective.

Everyone ITT is projecting their way of looking at this race and politics in general on me, and thinking that I should be reacting how you would react. Guess what. I’m not you. I used to be that way, until I saw the intricacies of campaigning, and how along with campaign work comes the acceptance of certain realities of how they end, and how deals are made.

I’m sorry I’m not the idealogue y’all seem to want me to be.


shrug I dunno, maybe we can create institutional socialist changes but not call it that and the centrists will fall for it.

So a lot of words to say that Pete supporting the candidate that is horrible at the things that actually win elections is okay because Pete having power is more important that defeating Trump.

:sunglasses:, just don’t moralize at anyone.

I’m not an ideologue either and don’t worry the scheme that Pete participated in has ensured I’ll never be. I’m a Pete Progressive, whatever elevates me most is actually best for everyone because I’m so smart and awesome. What do you know that is a super easy message to sell people… maybe you do know a thing or two about politics!

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Having my posts constantly rewritten is getting tiresome. Your perspective is not mine. The end.

In theory, one thing that progressives can do to try to make Biden move at least a little bit to the left is to threaten to withhold support if Biden does not move. Of course, overplaying that hand may result in being written off and being seen as not able to be won over and, thus, able to be ignored.

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If you don’t want your posts rewritten then don’t ramble on for six paragraphs with non-sequiturs to avoid the issue at hand. Pete’s brand of politics is a very cynical one, and along with others, he succeeded in making me cynical. The end.


lol Pete. I still have no idea what he stands for other than a sociopathic pursuit of power and self-congratulatory, wildly delusional visions of bipartisanship. I’m as sure an I’ve ever been about anything that that dude sucks.


hahaha ow my sides

Why do you assume others aren’t doing this, and why do you assume following so called Black Twitter is doing this?

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