Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Telling people to stfu about “idpol” is an awesome way to expose black people to left ideas.

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It’s really weird that someone would make an effort to listen to what black people are saying in an attempt to understand what black people are thinking instead of contemplating the black Platonic Form.

Apparently you are the arbiter of what I think and feel, is that about right? Stop fucking putting words in my mouth.

I’ll tell you who I’m mad at. I’m mad at you for posting what you think I think like it’s gospel, then having five other fuckers hearting the post like it’s the be all and end all of what I think. I’m actually less mad at you because I expect it. I’m more mad at the hearters.

How about you for once read the words on the screen that I type and not attribute motives or intents to them that I don’t have because it would fit better with your messed up world view.


Mmm aww jeez that must be annoying. And I bet you can even clarify their error and the other person just never acknowledges they were wrong. Maddening.

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This entire thread is now DawsonCrying Bros trying not to corncob.

The only question is will they sneer at black voters crying tears of happiness on BidenDay2020.

Jfc man get a grip. This person is subject to nonstop insults from pathetic trolls here, and your sensitive ass can’t handle her reacting strongly to your disingenuous attack on her candidate.

That you feel unjustly wronged over because you threw in a condition that you didn’t fucking know if the account was even real before posting it.

From two weeks ago.

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Rethink this.


like yea, there’s more bernie bros than pete pals on this site, but the pete pals also do all the stuff they accuse bernie bros of doing, ensuring that there’s no growth and nothing accomplished

Any serious person would have instantly apologized for posting fake news, not claimed victimhood and used it as some gotcha two weeks later.

Have you rethought that bit yet? It contains one minor and two major errors, which is impressive for five words.

There’s no claim of victimhood, just an observation about glass houses and the throwing of stones.

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What is there to rethink? You posted a tweet attempting to associate Pete and/or his supporters with white supremacy. Then when called out on it, you hid behind your conditional statement of truth. How is that anything but disingenuous?

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I dunno, kinda seems like you cherrypicked an obvious troll account.

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Ah, so now it wasn’t a disingenuous attack on her candidate, it was an attempt to associate Buttigieg and/or his supporters with blah blah, and it was only my response to skydiver8’s reaction that was disingenuous. We’re getting somewhere.

But! It wasn’t even that. It was “Hey what’s up with this twitter account, could be anything I guess but sorta wild huh?” It didn’t warrant anything like the reaction it got.

Remind me never to eat cherries at your place.

Have you always been this bad at posting? I don’t remember you being like this normally.


I don’t remember anyone saying Bloomberg had a phenomenal online presence and T.V. ads. Unless you are equating phenomenal to just spending a ton of money and having a lot of air time.

In the same breath you are saying “There is not any evidence that Biden needs a better digital team” and “I know Sky’s motives despite the fact I have no evidence”.

Think a little more.

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I went downhill rapidly after you took a couple of hard Ls in quick succession. But you should re-check my posting, it’s possible you’ve cherrypicked some… bad examples? Which is a thing one does.

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I see we’re in the “aha so it wasn’t A B or C, it was actually (synonym for A) (synonym for B) (synonym for C)” stage of the discussion.

No, it’s you beginning to hedge and me laughing at that. To clarify:

a) Not an attack on Buttigieg
b) Not disingenuous
c) Flagged as dubious
d) Posted solely for entertainment value as Buttigieg is no longer relevant

If you want to throw your back out straining to find something minutely objectionable about that, go for it, I guess. If you’re going to internet-ego your way into NO ACTUALLY YOU GOT WHAT WAS COMING, even better.

Oh for sure.

Walp, on the ignore list ya go. Sad for a long-timer,but what can I do.

You’re right, I really wanted to get the digs in on Buttigieg like six weeks after he dropped out. Ya got me.