Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

wtf is wrong with you people

I donā€™t know, I donā€™t ask people I chat with online about their race. Obviously on twitter you can find just about every viewpoint represented.

I love how you guys keep trying to turn my opinion into ā€œblack people are ignorantā€ rather than ā€œvoters are uninformed, and black voters are no differentā€.

Yes, itā€™s the liberal form of racism. The soft bigotry of high expectations.

Black voters are magical, especially when they donā€™t vote for Bernie.


Has anyone worked out why Hispanic voters in the Southwest vote in their self-interest but the clueless Southern black voters donā€™t?

I dunno, simplest explanation still seems to be that Biden and the eDems have a strong ground game in the South and Sanders spent a lot of time making inroads in Hispanic communities that up till now have ignored.

thatā€™s that good shit right there

That doesnā€™t support your argument at all.

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The same reason part of me wants to write in Bernie or vote for Trump: to teach Dem voters a lesson to do a better job of voting in the future. Vote for the candidate/policies you like rather than vote out of fear / concern-trolling about ā€œelectabilityā€, thus self-fulfilling the prophecy of only the shittiest and rapiest (oops I mean ā€œmost electableā€) people getting to be in power. And maybe next time learn who the fuck a person is before voting for him.

But Iā€™ll vote for Biden because voters wonā€™t learn anyway and Trump is uniquely awful. What sucks is, I have a feeling Trump is no longer unique, meaning every future GOP nominee will be at least as bad as him. In 2024 weā€™ll be forced to vote for Bloomberg over Richard Spencer, and so on. Our country will keep sliding right like it has for decades until we ā€œlesser of two evilsā€ ourselves off a cliff, which is why I fully understand why @zikzak is saying fuck this game, cartmanscrewyouguysimgoinghome.wav

Even if we donā€™t shfit right, where we are now is unsustainable in my mind. Having a bunch of Bidens in power would lead to the same end result (WAAF) but take a little longer to get there, which is why small differences between two racist war-mongering rapists are feeling less important to me. But I should at least preserve the shred of hope that remains by electing Biden over Trump.


I guess I donā€™t really understand what the ground game has to do with this discussion. Like ok:

  1. Biden has a strong ground game in the south (this goes against everything I read reported at the time, but fine)
  2. ???
  3. Black voters are now informed voters who are aware of Bidenā€™s history of racism and vote for him anyway because of these good reasons:
  4. ???

How would you fill in those blanks? Like, your point seems to be that Biden focused especially hard on propagandizing southern black voters, so they voted for him - which seems to fit in pretty well with my point that black voters are just as uninformed as all of the other voters!


The Joe Biden (c)MBNA ground game is strong.

I believe that most low-information voters tend to rely on heuristics that generally get them into the same place they would be politically if they were more informed.

I seem to follow way fewer Twitter accounts than the people I interact with. I only follow about 100 right now. I do, however, try to keep an eye on Black Twitter, which I am aware is just a part of African-American life and not wholly representative, to get a sense of what is important to black people.

Iā€™ve always been a proponent of the idea that narrative matters more than policy. Unsurprisingly, Barack Obama is a major figure in black consciousness. Biden appeals to black voters because he offers a narrative of continuity with Obama. Sanders didnā€™t seem to offer much of a story that he was a better choice to follow in the steps of Obama. Arguably, that was impossible and trying to do so would annoy both those who would never vote for him in the primary and some of his most ardent supporters.

If black voters could formally define their interests as defending and extending the legacy of Barack Obama and maintaining, if not increasing, the salience of race-based identity politics within the Democratic coalition, who should they have supported in the primaries?

Iā€™m sorry pointing how Biden is bad for the country makes you feel dumb. It should make you feel dumb. Because you are dumb.

And lol skydiver up voting these shit takes when she said black people donā€™t like Pete because theyā€™re homophobic.


Everything Iā€™ve read suggests Biden put a lot of work in the South and esp SC, plus heā€™s leaning on the networks the Clinton family has had.

I really donā€™t even get what your critique here is. Itā€™s like

  1. Biden campaigns in the South, shaking hands and kissing babies and whatnot.
  2. Black Southerners respond to campaigning the same way voters always do.

Iā€™m not making any claims about voters being intelligent or informed or whatever. People respond to retail politics, for better or worse. You can call it ā€œpropagandizingā€ if you like, but itā€™s how running for office works.

And again, you guys still need to explain why Hispanic voters in NV are magically more informed than Southern blacks. Because as far as I can see, it still just looks like theyā€™re responding to Bernie spending political capital in their communities. (2)


ok this thread officially feels like a dream now

For me, itā€™s because I am interested in the nuts and bolts of campaigning, and I want his to be better (and win). Despite what vict0ar seems to think, I really do think his campaign team could benefit from fresh perspectives, especially in the digital area, from campaigns that did a better job. I mean, Bernie had the grassroots, Pete had the content creation, Yang had the memes. Why not bring the staffers behind those successes on board now that heā€™s the nominee?

Iā€™ve been on their volunteer slack and other spacesā€¦they are NOT good at taking suggestions, and thereā€™s a definite sense of arrogance that permeates Bidenā€™s staff. They need to get over that and become more open to new ideas, especially now that traditional campaigning is kind of out the window.


Iā€™m sorry libs you donā€™t have the moral high ground by voting for a rapist that wrote a bill that put a bunch of minorities in jail. This makes you the bad guy. Yā€™all should vote for Trump heā€™s closer to your beliefs.


I donā€™t think Hispanic voters in NV were more informed. I donā€™t know why they voted differently, beyond the fact that the national media was covering the race very differently at that point - maybe it was the ground game/baby kissing, maybe Spanish language media covered the race differently, maybe the average age of Hispanic voters in NV was younger than black voters in SC, maybe older Hispanic adults rely more on their kids to help evaluate current US events, maybe itā€™s because there wasnā€™t a Hispanic congressman grifter who endorsed Biden in NV - there could be a million reasons.

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All youā€™re doing is trying to use black people as a way to attack leftist ideas. Itā€™s really fucking racist.


You spend hours and hours a day on a politics forum and somehow still donā€™t understand the basics of how your electoral system works.

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