Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

You’re explicitly saying black people are too stupid to realize who is racist and can’t judge for themselves what candidate is better for their interest. That’s not what is going on with the white women analogy. There’s a difference in telling people that guy is sexist and has done a bunch of stuff that hurts women, you shouldn’t vote for him and concluding that women are too stupid to know what’s good for them when some percentage go out and vote for him anyway. All those women aren’t actually dumb, For one thing, they probably just have a different self-interests than you think they should. You’re being dumb and lazy for making that assumption.

Jesus Christ can we just end this thread already? This thing is over.

Everyone on every side played it terribly because of some combination of stupidity, selfishness, ego, or idealism and now we’re drawing live to Trump being re-elected despite him pretty much creating the biggest public health/economic disaster probably in American History.

In other news I’m pretty close to done with engaging with politics in a non sociopathic kind of way.

They don’t seem like they’re having fun to me.

Maybe both sides of this argument should do more quoting of confirmed black people.


It’s about the journey, not the destination.

I don’t think you can make the “different people have different self-interests that you think” argument when we know the complete bungling of a global pandemic isn’t going to stop people from voting for the guy that fucked everything up.

“Well some people just want the virus to be able to run its course, that doesn’t mean that they’re stupid”

Should be a seamless transition for you.

Hol’ up, I got three degrees in Black Studies, saith 6, don’t lecture me.

All of this was in response to a dude who said “how can Biden be racist if all these black people voted for him?”

The answer is, of course, that there are as many reasons as there are people who voted for him. I pointed out what is, in reality, the less malicious option which is simply that black voters, like all groups of voters, are woefully and intentionally (on the part of of the media and campaigns) uninformed.

It’s also true, as you point out, that lots of black voters likely knew that Biden is racist and decided his racism is outweighed by other interests they have. To me, that is worse than saying they just don’t keep tabs on a Delaware Senator’s voting record and media quotes over the decades. But whatever.

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Idk but you all seem really mad Biden is going to be President? Whistling past the graveyard chumps.

This internal calculus from a white guy (you) toward what motivated an entire race to vote for Biden is so fucking pedantic and demeaning. Just stop.

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The only black people I’ve talked with directly about the primary (not counting online) are two older women I work with. Both were Bloomberg supporters and had not heard about his quotes regarding stop and frisk and printing out copies of “black male 16-25” as suspect descriptions or whatever. They liked him because he was rich, had connections, and donated money to Johns Hopkins. I don’t know whether they switched to Biden supporters after Bloom dropped out, but it’s a safe bet.

Do I need to respect that opinion, or is it ok for me to point out that they are low information voters (like 99% of all voters), and voting for Bloomberg would be against their interests in literally every way?

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Cool we can’t talk motivations of voters on this political message board. Unless you’re pointing out that black voters intentionally voted for the racist to appease racists. Or that they know he’s racist but care more about keeping that sweet sweet private insurance. Those are ok.

Like, this forum has collectively spent thousands and thousands of hours pointing out how terrible it is that Trump voters ignore Trump’s racism because they want lower taxes or whatever. But ya’ll are tripping over yourselves to be like “OF COURSE black voters know Biden’s a racist, they just have GOOD REASONS to vote for him” because god forbid we point out that voters are, as a rule, uninformed about candidates.

Like, I’ve made my point so idk if there’s any reason to continue going in circles on this, but I legitimately don’t understand where you guys are coming from here.


Let’s go to the tape:


Story checks out. You going to apologize, Vict0ar?

? Go on.

Is a black person who votes Trump>Biden voting against his/her interests?

Depends which interests. If they hate muslims and immigrants they are voting in their interest. If they are pro-life they are voting in their interest. If they are pro-military industrial complex they are voting in their interest.

Nobody has one interest.

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You don’t have to respect their opinions, but the conversation is more interesting when you say “here are examples of black people being ignorant” rather than simply asserting “black people are ignorant”.

I’m curious about how your interaction with black people online has been different.

I mean, yeah, we didn’t even really get to the other options yet.