Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I still read all your posts JT :v:


Sure if Covid gets much, much worse it probably helps Biden. But this far out with this much unknown, I think anyone laying 2:1 either side is giving money away.



Nah, I’m good.

one of the things that went wrong was people like @simplicitus squawking about how Warren was a viable alternative and then completely abandoning the process and any sort of accountability when she took the money bag

bernie wasn’t perfect. he did some things wrong. however i’m not accepting the fake ass criticisms from people who don’t even support his legislative goals. if you want to criticize from the left, be my guest. but people who just accept the mass sellout that was Super Tuesday so they can take cheap shots at Bernie supporters, you are a big time part of the problem

i respect low info voters a lot more than people who post on this board and support the process that got Biden back into the lead. you are the reason we are in a second-world second-rate democracy


Keep smearing Warren. You were handed a compromise candidate on a silver platter. Someone that would have been by far the most left-wing candidate of our lifetime, and maybe the entire history of the US. Someone that was running on a WEALTH TAX, FREE COLLEGE, GREEN NEW DEAL, ENDING PRIVATE PRISONS, among many other progressive goals. Someone that would have fought for every lefty policy proposal, without having the stigma of being a Socialist candidate associated with her. Bankers and tech companies were openly in a state of fear.

The reaction to this candidate by the Berniesphere started out as apathy, then morphed into complete hatred towards her and her supporters. Despite polling nearly even with Bernie in December, and most Warren supporters saying that they liked Sanders and would be happy to vote for either candidate, Sanders fans adopted a “Bernie or bust” narrative and started grouping Warren with the centrist candidates in the race.

Of course being considered a centrist means that she was subject to the same types of attacks that the others were. People clearly allied with progressive causes were called traitors, scum, and much worse. Women in particular felt the brunt of it.

The main reasons given for this derision were… her coming out with a multi-year plan to enact M4A that would be plausible within the constraints of Congress, and her affirming a comment that may or may not have been made by Bernie and doesn’t even make him sound that bad if he actually said it. That’s it. That’s what it took for Bernie supporters to dismiss all of her ideas and brand her a corporate sell out who is actively trying to sabotage the left. There was no outreach, no attempt at a coalition under a left-wing banner, no inclusion at all aside from DSA membership. They had to be begged to even ask for AOC’s endorsement for christ’s sake.

So we get Biden instead. Well played.

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She lost, get over it.


Is it your position that Warren would have been popular if it weren’t for Bernie Bros being mean about her online? Give me a break.

There is absolutely no argument that Warren would have been a better, more popular candidate than Bernie other than “she’s the compromise candidate”. I was dumb enough to push this line myself early in the campaign but it’s kind of incredible to do it now you’ve witnessed floods of people saying in exit polls that they support M4A and that they voted Biden. The great mass of voters are non-ideological and don’t even understand ideology. You get zero points for being the candidate in the Goldilocks Zone ideologically, sorry.


It’s not about “mean people online.” It’s about vilifying anyone who doesn’t pledge undying loyalty to your ideology or your candidate. This was practiced by both Bernie’s supporters and his actual campaign staff.

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Either one would have been great! That’s the point. The fact that it didn’t happen is fucking sad.

Amazing that you can write this and not see that it indicates a deep flaw within Bernie’s campaign.

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Between Comey and more importantly media coverage of Comey, the EMAILS nonsense absolutely changed the outcome.

The media spent the last month running endless Hillary corruption stories. When she was running against Donald Fucking Trump. There is blood on their hands.

(For recent subscribers, I hate Hillary Clinton)


Warren would have moved to the right on all her progressive issues because she’s a snake.


Id think most Bernie supporters agree here, I certainly do and said so even after the slip ups and Emoji’s that I didn’t post.

If you can find me posting a snake emoji let me know.

Oh no doubt she’s a political opportunist and also far better than Biden, that’s how bad he is lol.

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Cool story bro she’s only been fighting bankers for the last 15+ years.


That’s the problem with the Overton window having shifted so far right. Warren has been fighting bankers for 15 years to try to get society back to something resembling the Reagan years.