Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

No, the problem here is your assumption that these late-breaking voters can be persuaded with policy argument.

Warren coming third in her own state is written off as the unfortunate result of Bernie Bro harrassment whereas people en masse deciding Biden is the guy is the result of a “deep flaw within Bernie’s campaign”, you’re just seeing what you want to see here.


I’m just here to laugh at 6ix posting a gif of the same actor 4 posts in a row. Given all the time I’ve lurked 2p2/unstuck, I set the over/under of 6ix posting a gif of whoever the hell this guy is at 1,000.


Jfc man Warren was always drawing dead. I don’t agree at all with the hate she gets but come on. She made huge tactical mistakes that showed she lacks the necessary political skill. Its nobody’s fault but her own nobody voted for her.


There is only one candidate consistently pushing forward a pro-worker (at the EXPENSE of capitalist captains of industry, not some pseudo-soft-capitalism hedging bullshit), collective-action, humane agenda. If you advocate for any other candidate you are indeed a villain and/or woefully ill-informed. Anybody significantly to the right of Bernie (at least on the economy in particular) has an inhumane ideology, by definition.

Six months ago many people labored under the delusion that Bernie and Warren’s platforms were “almost identical”, but that has been convincingly refuted.


Maybe I’ll pretend Biden is just the POTUS version of the “I’m running against Jim Jordan / Devin Nunes / Susan Collins” people I ship money to with zero investigation of their record or policies.


I mean, I think it’s safe to say that Bernie getting beat pretty badly by Biden even in states he won last time like Michigan or Minnesota, where he got 60% last time, is pretty indicative of major weakness in his overall max level of support when not running against Hilary. Maybe Warren or whoever would have had those same problems. But also maybe not.

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If we were going to lose, at least we got Bernie owning fools.

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Like the Florida city councilman that went ham against that Trump mAyor

Bernie’s ideology/platform has always been too decent, socialist, too aimed at the powers-that-be, and logical to win over the great masses of stupid, reactive, propaganda-soaking hogs that comprise the American electorate. We were never supposed to win.

Part of electioneering is to be continually shifting your support to whatever positions are hot in that moment, because most people have the memory of a goldfish. Bernie was and is too honest of a person to engage in that.

If only she’d been a candidate this cycle, maybe we’d know.

We don’t know how she would have done heads up against Biden. We know Bernie got absolutely destroyed. I think Warren would have done better. If for no other reason than it would be hard to do much worse.

Yang can’t stop embarrassing himself


All of these “this proves a major weakness in X’s campaign” takes are wrong. The American voters suck and collectively they get who they want and who they deserve.


I have the same problems. Whenever I fail it’s because I’m just TOO honest, smart, good looking and well hung.

OF COURSE Warren would have done better HU vs Biden than Bernie did. She would not have had every person on TV calling her a Communist. She also would not have every other person in the field snap drop-out at the worst possible time (by sheer coincidence, of course!).

You have way more respect for the intelligence, logic, courage, and decency of the average human than deserved.

Cite or ban with this bullshite


The Techbro is a total sellout and a fucking moron? NO WAY


A ton of snark and zero substance, super typical of establishment centrist moderate Democrats like you. Let me put it more simply:

Bernie is a socialist. The immensely powerful forces that shape our American life, in every way and in every field, are capitalist. Said capitalists will do everything possible to prevent a socialist from gaining power. Elizabeth Warren is not a socialist, no matter how many times anybody brings up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The takes that say “There was nothing anyone on the left could have done differently, Bernie was epistemologically doomed from the start” are just as bad.

Like I said, I voted for Sanders and my post was obviously a joke…I honestly wasn’t sure if yours was, like 2:1 you were being serious but not totally sure. I’ll try to lower my expectations sufficiently for next time.