Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Clovis seems to think that you can’t vote out people in both chambers, no matter what happens. It’s just technically unpossible. I’m guessing he thinks people wouldn’t be able to find the bathroom or something.

The United States kills millions in two illegal wars. I can’t imagine the deplorable attitude it takes to think that we shouldn’t make sweeping changes in government, including voting out representatives that pushed said illegal war. If it was another country, the USA would be up in that ass instantly to uproot the entire government and install our own.

First of all, you’re lying in the quoted post (I called Hillary’s statement political malpractice, not what you said). Second, this is hardly a “exact same terrible logic twists” or a “rhetorical tools”. It’s a straight comparison of ideas, and not the first time you’ve done it.

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I do not, actually.

Probably more than any other politician. Which one of us is clueless again?

Nah dude I’ve been following the race for a while and I know for a fact that many bernie bros were on the primary Markey train because he wasn’t pure enough. The fact that they’re not even bothering to research the opposing candidate or just backing him out of spite isn’t surprising.

Their democracy doesn’t work. That is the entire problem.

Chapo discord made a joke about the Kennedy guy dying so safe to assume they don’t support him

She went at least once.

FWIW, what the guy actually said was probably true, it’s just not relevant to policy discussions. Because in his estimation, both public option and m4a type plans count as left wing.

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That’s a different but accurate point.

I think it is very weird to be mad about people displaying righteous anger when you agree that a countries democratic processes and institutions do not inherently work as they should.

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Oh good for her! That makes two of us! Are you the third?

“Not pure enough”

Once again I can’t imagine spending a lot of time learning about the situation in the US of A and thinking that the problem is that there are too many purity tests, when basically the entire government has been captured by corporate interests. We need a Green New Deal and Medicare for All to save the planet and to bring our health outcomes into the 21st Century.

For you to make it about purity just reveals your complete ignorance.

Markey is the better progressive candidate by far, and it is logical that progressives would support him. If you have the time to make this race about a purity test and your personal beefs with Bernie Bros and the discourse, you might be a person of insane privilege.

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Ok you must be developing some kind of parody now, right? This a Kaufman thing?

we’re still dying to hear why you can’t just VOTE OUT the people that voted for an ILLEGAL WAR


His anger is 100% about his team losing.

you’re a deplorable. my anger is about the millions dead in our illegal wars, for the health insurance that 30 million people lack, for the people in Palestine under occupation, for the people without a house or a job.

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I’m just typing on a forum trying to make sure the dsa left votes for Markey the same way I’m hoping they vote for Biden man. It’s people like you that are disowning people at the drop of a hat and starting beef out of nothing. I promise you that Bernie and Warren and AOC and Markey and Mondaire Jones all basically believe the same shit.

I found this post on …not going to link to the site, but renewed right dot com / trump-poll-results

Charles says “I think you better grow up and smell the coffee. Trump won the election fair and square. You’re just angry because your side lost the election. GET OVER IT.”

I think Charles is probably wrong and it’s just a really common and terrible argument…you don’t really care about these issues you have professed to care about and are completely consistent with who you have supported…it’s all a game to you and you’re mad because you lost.


“that’s why i’m in here crying about bernie supporters being called names”

how many posts are you going to crydelete in this thread? you already misquoted me, lied about calling people trump supporters, you’re a serious sack of shit

Yes, its about deplorables like you using random internet comments as a wedge to discredit progressives. It happened with Bernie and I bumped this thread because your shitlib family is using it to discredit Markey. Fuck off clovis


I’m starting to love you.

Not really sure why you’re allowed to lie and tard up this forum but the other people seem to like you. I hope that Canada never moves to a US based system, causing you to lose health insurance and die a death of medical-based bankruptcy. Good day


Do you think the hoards of responses (you left out the more absurd ones conveniently) are appropriate for a 5 word tweet in which a Democrat indicates he’s hopeful the Democratic candidate will defeat one of the biggest threats to democracy in the history of the nation?