Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

It’s a really stupid question and even dumber point. Had he made only that point I would not have even responded.

He chose to take that point and extend it to claim the whole Bernie bro thing was a myth and anyone who though this group acted differently is a shill for some mythical billionaire living on a sky cloud somewhere. Really want he wanted to do was whine, for the millionth time, about Bernie not winning.

Oh he’s dying to do it. He loves it.

Lol at thinking a debate question to the people running for Senator should be about a tweet that a guy with 500 followers made, to zero likes. A person that wasn’t associated with the campaign at all.

I mean you’d have to be a serious fool or just a straight up troll who wanted to destroy productive discourse to believe such a thing. Or both I suppose.


Never called anyone itt a trump supporter. Keep lying though if it makes you feel better.

I have said you and a few others are very fond of using many of the exact same terrible logic twists and rhetorical tools used by his supporters. That is a claim I stand by solidly. You are for sure the closest thing we have to a trump supporter in technique.

It’s always projection with the right wing

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this was a such a savage own man. why did you leave the thread

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Primary all of them. Get rid of them. Find people who can make better choices. Oh, did we have to get rid of a bunch of elected representatives and replace them with new elected representatives? Oh no! Where’s my fainting couch! Oh my zounds! My sainted ants! How will we ever survive?

You’re right, too difficult. The alternative is spending my entire adult life bombing the shit out of countries and killing millions of people. That sounds a lot better than just replacing elected officials.

Can’t imagine being a person who looks at US imperialism, especially over the last 20 years, and says hmm well nothing can be done, especially not just voting them out. Too hard. Might as well just bomb people. A very deplorable viewpoint.


They all went through a primary and election. Many of them. They won.

It amazing how much you and victoar need to lie to allow you to think you have won a discussion. I’m literally the guy arguing for voting and more action all the time.

And then they made shitty votes for an illegal war. Time for new representatives. The old ones will be fine. Sure, a couple dumbfucks like Dr Chesspain will call it cancellation, but humane people will say hmm maybe its time for a government that doesn’t vote for an illegal war.

This is getting boring. Carry on.

I said primary them, idiot. You said some horseshit about how i don’t believe in voting or something, pretty strange since I voted in the primary. Go ahead and make up some more bullshit so you can keep trolling .

Hahahaha nice edit, moron. You’ve now defended debate questions about twitter randos, and defended representatives that voted for US’ illegal wars. You’re a troll and if you weren’t apologizing for 30 million uninsured and literal war crimes, I’d leave you alone. But these are high stakes. Fuck off back to your little hole.


I voted for Warren. 100% will vote for Markey, one of the best senators, over this guy trying to leverage his name and by all accounts sucks ass

Oh boy, 100 posts in the Dem Primaries thread. I guess something interesting must have happened. Let’s have a read!


Biden dropped out, Bernie is the nominee

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"A newly released poll shows that 69 percent of registered voters support Medicare for All, a plan which would create a national health insurance plan available for all Americans.

The poll also showed 46 percent of Republican voters supporting Medicare for All alongside 88 percent of Democrats and 68 percent of Independents."

And that poll is from April, lol. The Democratic Party is an enemy of the people.


How much would you be willing to bet on this, and can you lay out your terms?


I wish we had a few Trump supporters on this site telling us all to quit whining about Trump and vote for change.

Not really.


I assume you live in District 1, out of curiosity who did you vote for in the Congressional primary?

The irony of the PC police questioning whether this is a slur after derailing the covid thread for 200 posts because we dare suggest a 5’7 250 pound woman is at an unhealthy weight is just chefskiss.jpg

Not sure if you remember the post by our resident Republican lawbro, but the top professions by candidate:

Bernie : Teachers, Servers, Construction Workers

Warren: Professors, Psychologists, Scientists

Yea, I’d say one of those groups is living paycheck to paycheck and risking their health during a pandemic while the other group wfh with health insurance and a pile of money.

Pretty easy to root for centrist / establishment candidates when their domestic policies have no effect on your life. I get it; Trump being potus is destabilizing on the region and world. But those of us that live in this shit hole country actually care about things like M4A and defunding the police.


I guess you can, as long as you talk about the supporters of every other candidate the same way and as often

I’m protesting and donating. I can’t join your fight for Karla Jurvetson’s right to donate to both Elizabeth Warren and Nazi Joe, sorry.

If she’s fighting for anything its because her big money donors are saying so. Is she going to protests? Has she addressed the protesters outside her house that want a free Palestine?

You’re completely clueless about this race? Makes sense. I’ve been following it since Kennedy announced. Oh, you saw and article and now you’re using Kennedy’s internal reports of their own polling to make your own snide point about Bernie Bros? Very cool man thank you

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