Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

So about this race,

Looks like all progressive groups support Markey except for Bernie voters. And I’ll concede that this “internal polling” isn’t proof of anything. Just wondering what this means and if it has anything to do with the anti establishment-progressive culture among them. Or maybe they’re just consolidating their hatred of Senators from MA.

Wonder what the Biden voters have against Iraqi civilians just asking questions


I bet you have your own DIY Cancel Kit

Hey do they feel about Markey being the AOC-endorsed candidate?

I would be shocked if Kennedy does well with former Bernie voters. Idk if they do exit polls for that kind of thing in senate primaries.

These conversations are all so stupid even a stupid person like me can realize it.


Bernie supporters online were mean therefore…

Bernie supporters aren’t all voting for this one candidate therefore…


To get you mad enough to type in all caps?

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Rotfl. The topic is literally never started by us. Never. 100% of the time it’s started by a bro whining about something that happened months ago. Often you.

Just like this time.

Just like it will happen next time.

Perhaps a better term is Bernie obsessives, although it lacks the nice alliteration.

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Doesn’t look like an answer to me but I do need glasses.

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only a fuckin moron would look at the inequality and corruption in America right now and think 'hmm the problem is that too many politicians are being cancelled"

we should have cancelled every single politician that voted for the iraq war and started fresh. of course by cancel i mean, they get to fuck off to their private lives and make bank in the private sector, and receive zero repercussions in general, so, not cancellation at all.

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the best part of this current argument is that clovis actually agrees with the original point watevs made. he’s just got to argue because he can’t stand it that a person he hates made a good point.


Do you feel better now?

Yes! Thank you! Do you?

This might be my favourite post of all time. Whatever let’s you sleep at night. Happy to be “owned”. :joy:

Have not seen a scrap of love for Kennedy in Bernie spaces. Nor should he get any, the dude sucks.

Lol no I certainly don’t agree with his post.

You don’t agree that asking a candidate in a debate about a tweet from a random supporter with 500 followers is dumb and ridiculous? Do you think that’s a fair question? Do you think the other guy has no twitter supporters who bully people?

Weird thought. What if us Bernie supporters responded to the negative stereotypes by… being compassionate and well-reasoned representatives of his ideals?

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I honestly can’t tell sometimes if you even understand the basic of how your democracy works.

How do you propose to send off every single person who voted for the war? That would be a majority of both chambers.

You know how that happens. Voting. Yet you think voting is a waste of time. There is no mechanism by which enough whining about something you don’t like and it gets changed. You have to organize and vote for change.

Trumpian projection itt.