Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

It’s alex again!

I noticed that you went the deflection / strawman route when I asked whether you liked your politicians beholden to big money donations.

Well done! It takes a strong and sure man to take the info that your fav took big money from a person who donates to many candidates, including Nazis, and push in back in my face.

You whine a lot about how Bernie fans do him and the cause a disservice through their postings. I’d argue that being on the wrong side of big money in politics does much more harm to the progressive cause. What does Warren owe Jurvetson? We’ll never know.

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where you are more than happy to use the slur “Bernie Bro’s” (sic)

Rotfl, really “slur”?

what else would you call it?


News at 11, progressives don’t like their candidates to slurp Biden unconditionally. You know, because he was part of an administration that deported a bunch of immigrants, or that he pushed the Iraq War and lied about it this year. Normal people might care that he lies about a bunch of other stuff, like marching with Nelson Mandela.

One can support Biden without throwing unqualified slurps his way. Again, news at 11, this is a horribly right wing country that just saw Obama use the progressive act to get elected, and then abandon everything. These progressives are doing good work for the disenfranchised. Sorry that your panties get in a bunch when you read comments from people fighting for those without health insurance, or a home, or working for slave wages.

I can’t imagine being a candy-ass that sees the inequality in this country and spending a bunch of time bitching about the people fighting for a solution.

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They’re on social media and literally in this forum that we are posting in now. Many of their antics have transgressed into real life. They are still taking shots months later and refusing to direct their anger toward something positive. Am I not allowed to talk about them?

The number 1 rule in politics is it’s always projection.

Oh my god this elected official has people mad in his mentions and that is why the world is so bad

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Talk about them all you want. I took exception with your generalization. As if they represent Sanders supporters or even a significant fraction of his support.

Is “Klobucharmy” a slur?

No, “Bernie Bros” on the other hand was a moniker specifically created to disparage his supporters.

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*created by Hillary

Hey man just admit that Elizabeth Warren is fighting much harder to combat inequality right now than the socialists threatening to vote green party or not caring if Trump wins or talking shit on the “libs” all day from their multi-million dollar podcasts or what have you.

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Could the people who are anti “Bernie Bro” clarify what percentage of Bernies base they think is in the “bro” category?

I put it at less than 2%.

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That sounds high actually.

I don’t know why the % is important. There is at least 5 of them in this forum, and they perhaps make up a majority of his supporters on social media. I think it’s certainly a topic worth discussing.

You can always retort to “the internet is not real life,” but while of course twitter is not the be-all and end- all, and yes only something like 10% of the population uses it, it’s equally clear to me that it does have an impact on actual real-world political decision making. It’s not a coincidence that literally every politician is active on there in some fashion.

“I don’t know why the % is important”

“They perhaps make up a majority of his supporters on social media”

Too much of a coward to guess at the %, but confident enough to know that it’s over 50% on social media to make your vapid point

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The “perhaps” should indicate that I’m not that confident? Just seems reasonable from what I’ve seen.

I don’t know if your guess on what percentage of Bernie supporters are “bro’s” is “important” but at least you would define whatever it is you are bitching about.

I know we’re just going to continue to go around in circles, but I’ve see way more toxic stuff on this forum from pete/liz/biden supporters than from bernie supporters.