Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Say “bro’s” again! I dare you!



Leave my kahuna burger alone you bully.

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It’s in the “Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper” thread. How can you possibly complain about it? You can mute this entire thread if you want.


I guess I was hoping for more whimpering.

It’s amusing in your world all “centrists” are rich people living on a pile money and all Bernie supporters are poverty stricken people without insurance. It’s a cute narrative. Of course there is zero evidence it’s true.

That doesn’t follow, at all.

Like, if Moscow Mitch was arguing that people from both parties supported the war in Iraq, you don’t get to say “Mitch supported the war, which is evidence that he is wrong”.

It’s not like these groups are monolithic, but there’s a pretty cool interactive graph on this page:

(and kind of lol at who became the nominee)

Interesting. I’d be curious what those looked like over time.

Toxic bernie bros aren’t a problem says the poster who worked tirelessly for months to create a giant rift between his candidate and their closest ideological allies.

How did you ever plan to win an election while simultaneously thinking that Warren or Pete or their supporters are your sworn enemies? Relying on the Josh Hawley vote?

I’m a poker pro, so M4A is far and away the most important issue to me from a personal standpoint. But keep spouting off.

Voting against your own interests to own the bros


You know you don’t have to read this thread if it’s going to constantly cause you to whine about it


Which side appears more blinded by hate though?

Where’s the fun in that?

I don’t know, one team is constantly saying “I agree with you on the issues, I just can’t vote for you because your base is mean” and one side is saying “I do not agree with you on the issues, and as a result cannot vote for you”.

Which one of those sounds like they’re acting based on negative emotions?

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Who has ever said they can’t vote for Bernie? Me, Clovis, Cuserounder, etc have all said that we like Bernie, support him, gave money to him, and/or voted for him or would have voted for him. But because we just don’t love him hard enough for you guys or are more accepting of other candidates, we get told to fuck off.

How the hell is this a winning strategy?

The replies to this tweet say it all.

I think the side that is blinded is the one that thinks that it can characterize the whole other side based on a few of its supporters. (CWIDT?)

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Obviously I don’t think all Bernie supporters are like this since…I am a Bernie supporter. But seriously, just click on the tweet above. This man was endorsed by Bernie himself last month.

Why would I care what random on social media have to say? Do you think they are representative of any candidate’s supporters?

I’m only talking about people on this very forum.