Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Probably not random that the account they point to is “Birdo says Abolish the MPD”.

The very fake that now, in the middle of what is happening globally, months later you are still obsessing over how Bernie bro’s were treated demonstrates exactly the point I have made about you many times. You don’t care about anything but how your team faired. It’s pure sport.

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The point of this is that it’s absurd for the tweets or whatever of random people who support a candidate to be a political issue and that it is probably often by design from people who want to deflect from policy discussion. And here we are, Clovis has turned a discussion about that into who was mean and, coaster and watevs, you’re letting him do it.


You’re right, my bad. I’ll bow out of this. Clovis, for all his qualities and contributions to this forum, is impossible to talk to on this issue as he’s clearly blinded by his hate of Bernie and his bros.

I was told I was supposed to put his dumbass on ignore by the mods, I don’t have the energy to argue with a bad faith muppet all day. Obviously he’s one of the biggest pushers of the narrative on this forum. There are assholes everywhere but one campaign got singled out, funny how that works.

Clovis, answer my question. Who were you quoting here?

Good faith question itt.

Are you being sarcastic? I’m being serious. Is it bad faith if I think I know the answer? If you weren’t quoting anyone you were posting in very bad faith - completely fucked up imo and you should apologize. I’m dead serious.


Whatevs is doing self-parody here, right?


Again you are proving my point. You claim I hate Bernie.

I love Bernie. Had I been able to vote I would have voted for him. He is closest to me politically. It’s a small set of his supporters like watevs and victaor I take issue with.

I was paraphrasing his post, accurately too.

Some might say the politicians holding healthcare from the people are the real bullies


No you weren’t. You missed the point and continue to miss it. And you didn’t say anything about paraphrasing or interpreting his post and his post was long enough and many people here don’t really like him and won’t read his posts, so it’s going to just pass as a literal quote. It’s very fucked up especially coming from someone who posts like you about things like being fair and in good faith. At least edit it with a note that it’s paraphrasing.

I only added quotes as emphasis but see your point. I’ve removed them.

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As always, Clovis is a lying sack of shit. The point is that there isn’t anything unique about a few supporters of a candidate posting rude things online.

However, characterizing the criticism of elected officials, like what happened to Warren, “bullying” is total bullshit. If you want to call my posts or random twitter posts bullying, be my guest, but you should probably be fair and find other random KHive, Bidenbro, and Liz Lad posts out there on the interwebs just to be fair. Which, of course, is what the point is about.

The Sanders campaign was singled out for “toxic posts” and “bullying” from random internet users, when you can find the same objectionable posts from every single candidate’s supporters.

Personally, I’m proud to bully morons that stand in the way of health care, a free palestine, universal housing, a more fair tax code, and especially the end of warmongering liars like Joseph Biden

Oh, looks like bad faith poster Clovis just edited his original post in this thread to be a little less bad faith and inflammatory. Thank you my good muppet.


Rotfl. This is so awesome. Calling be a piece of shit and saying you are proud to be a bully in a series of posts arguing Bernie bro’s don’t bully is too great. Thanks.

Please point to me all the post on here from supporters of the other candidates in the primary who are still talking about it obsessively?

Bro’s like you were and are called out because your cultish obsession is in fact unique.

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That is not what he is arguing.

He is saying they are no different than other supporters. He is wrong. He is evidence of him being wrong.

I’m also wondering why Pete supporters don’t question why their candidate dropped out of the race to endorse a guy with LESS delegates. Why didn’t he go into Super Tuesday? I mean it’s well known on this board that he had zero shot, but did he ever say that to his supporters before he just dropped out?

Warren supporters - why do you accept a candidate dropping out to do SNL instead of weighing in on the race and making an endorsement? I find these supporters are even more delusional because they have somehow found a way to square taking 16 million dollars from Karla Jurvetson and PersistPAC with Warren’s previous statements on campaign finance.

Of the people giving Pete and Warren a pass, is there a single one that doesn’t have insurance right now? That is suffering crushing medical debt? That have felt the consequences of our policies abroad?

I think a lot of the “bernie bros are toxic” narrative comes from dead inside centrists who are used to treating this like a game, and who are so well set up with insurance, a job, a home, and a support network that they can’t fathom being put out on their ass. It’s hard to imagine someone passionate about life or death issues when you are living in the lap of luxury.


Holy Christ are we still litigating this.