Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper


You got me. I was an ass too. That makes it right?

The moral basis of your argument has no credibility when it’s so transparently partisan.


I was speaking for myself. I know plenty of the further left posters said some inflammatory shit. Not throwing rocks I think we were all pretty infuriated when this dinosaur beat our favorite candidates without even appearing to try. The way he won was basically just to get anointed by the party and coast to the win… which yeah that’s going to trigger a lot of peoples Hilldawg PTSD.

Acknowledging that he just might be Blue Reagan and holding out a little bit of hope is probably the right move right now emotional EV wise. Plenty of time to process the pain of Trump getting reelected or Biden actively sucking after those events have already happened.


People noticed. He’s been known for making gaffes for 30 years.

Gaffes are different from getting confused mid sentence. When he said you can’t go into a 711 without an Indian accent, that wasn’t because he forgot where he was going with the sentence, it’s because he’s racist. When he starts talking and then in the middle of his sentence declares he’s run out of time, it’s because he’s old and confused.

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I’m not going to say that Biden has, oh…you know…the thing. But listen here fat, you cannot stand on your moral high horse and claim all of his problems speaking are due to his stutter. There is clear, documented cognitive decline. It’s bad enough that he should have never won this nomination for Senate…wait that’s the other Biden. For President. Even his sister, Jill - wait, no that’s his wife - would likely agree in private.

There’s plenty to hate about him that doesn’t have to do with mental illness. But expecting people not to even discuss the possibility of dementia in their candidate for the presidency who shows glaring symptoms of cognitive decline is absurd. Nominate better people.

Now we’re all forced to vote for Joe303030330. We can hold out hope that he’ll be propped up by a good cabinet and we may win all three branches. Hope that will diminish greatly when he picks Kamala as his VP, but hope none the less. Then on Jan 21, 2021 we start work to make his one term as good as it can be and his replacement a true progressive.

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I watched the press conference today and he seemed perfectly fine. I get why his political opponents bring it up, because there isn’t much else to attack him on that could possibly work. But it’s just like Hilary’s health in that it’s not actually true. Granted very few people who bring it up care about whether it is true.

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No, you don’t.

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I guess it’s just too bad Bernie Sanders didn’t have these killer attacks then.

Yeah, I remember Sanders going hard at Joe for the dementia alright.

Look, when you say this:

I get why his political opponents bring it up, because there isn’t much else to attack him on that could possibly work.

That’s just a blanket charge of universal bad faith on the part of anyone criticising Biden from the left. But what if I told you that I don’t think it will work? That I don’t think of these discussions in terms of whether they’ll ‘work’ or not, but in terms of whether I’m right? That this is just a message board and discussions here will have no impact at all on the outcome of events? Does it then become possible to conceive of actual disagreement where neither party is being dishonest?


Dawg, you’re allowed to use causal reasoning and go outside the box of an incomplete set of facts to arrive at novel and correct inferences. I mean that’s the name of the game. They also have duty to warn and protect, and there are also bad rules which people realize and ignore or overturn.

Sanders is older than Biden and yet managed to escape ever being accused of mental decline, because he doesn’t do things which are apparent signs of mental decline. Blaming a “stutter” for all Biden’s verbal missteps is ludicrous on its face.

This doesn’t mean Biden has dementia, necessarily, people just get less sharp as they get old.

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4% to blame for everything bad that happens in USA starting from fifty years ago.

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The document recommends that Biden commit to eliminating carbon pollution from power plants by 2035 and to zeroing out net greenhouse gas emissions across the entire economy by 2050. The task forces call for funding universal prekindergarten across the country, expanding Social Security, raising the national minimum wage and eliminating cash bail, among many other long-sought progressive stances.

Biden’s campaign has yet to publicly commit to doing anything other than “reviewing” the recommendations.

ruh roh

Has anyone read or has highlights besides what’s in the article?

I’m voting for him and all, but this was pretty good: