Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

He is old as hell. Too old to run for president in my opinion. All old people, myself included, are not as sharp as we were decades ago. Do we all have dementia?

All I am asking is we follow our own fucking standards of fact-based analysis and not weaponizing mental illness.

Hate him because you think he is too old to run

Hate him for his polices

Don’t hate him because you have self diagnosed some mental illness.

You won’t find me doing so with trump either.

Ah yes, I remember the notable reticence Democrats had when trying to weaponize Donald Trump’s mental illness.

I think that both crippling narcissism and an inability to speak coherently are actually perfectly legitimate issues to raise in a candidate’s campaign. If Biden is actually able to speak clearly for the rest of the campaign due to his team of physicians finding the exact right balance of ritalin, amphetamine and anti-dementia pills to treat his “stutter”, well, good for him I suppose, hopefully Dr. Feelgood can keep this train going for the next four and a half years.


Literally everyone makes an occasional mistake like that. Focusing on that means that someone you like shared a youtoobz and because you like that person you swallowed it uncritically.

This isn’t a you problem, this is an everyone problem.

yeah man, sometimes people just wander off camera in the middle of a livestream. IT HAPPENS.


I try not to think about how instantly my emotions will turn from elation to disgust in the event of a Biden win.


Literally everyone in this forum watched Biden for hours during the primary debates. Most of us watched him debate in 2008 as candidate and VP candidate, and in 2012 as VP. This isn’t based on clips on YouTube.


Come on man this isn’t hard. It’s fine to think he is too old to run. I think that. It’s not fine to diagnose him with a mental illness, as a weapon, simply because he old.

Mental illness is a hunky stigmatized thing in our culture. The people who have real mental illnesses are marginalized. Let’s not weaponize their plight because you hate someone. That is not what our side does. That is want their side does.

Stutters don’t get worse with age, and Biden has gotten much worse.

Here is a hint. Age isn’t a disease.

Fine you got me on a technicality. I concede I shouldn’t have said ageism.

Of course my main point was around mental illness.

I suppose I can’t rule out that the reason Biden can’t fucking talk is just old age. Just like you can’t rule out dementia, and Joe for sure isn’t going to tell us which one it is, so what the hell man? What are we even arguing about?

Of course not. But you do appreciate the difference between someone actually having a mental illness and people speculating they do because they don’t like him. The latter is stigmatizing an entire group of people as a gotcha.

The psychiatry profession has a rule around this very point.

Lol… Just compare his speaking now to 2008 or 2012. He mixed up his wife and sister. He frequently forgets things.

C’mon, man.

Nobody hates him for his cognitive decline, we feel bad for him. But he should not be the candidate. I also don’t distinguish as to whether it’s due to old age or due to dementia, it doesn’t really make a difference in terms of the situation at hand. His cognitive performance in 2020 is substantially worse than it was in 2012, and it’s a problem.


Ok I am done with this derail.

It’s pretty disappointing to me people on this site don’t see the claims of him having dementia are the same in kind, but perhaps not degree, to all other forms of bigotry we all spend so much time fighting against.

Anyway carry on with the mental illness jokes if they help you hate him more I guess.

He’s going to have to actually fuck up first. On the day he’s inaugurated I plan to go to sleep more unbothered than I will have been in a long time.

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Come on dude many of us (absolutely including me) have accused Biden of being senile. Dementia wasn’t talked about, but we definitely bought into the storyline that he had declined a lot more than he has.

Right because there isn’t a multi year history of this on here. Like posts literally yesterday on this topic.

Well to be fair Biden has a multi-year history of acting like a demented old man.

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There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of posts claiming he has dementia.