Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Gangsters didn’t fight fire with fire. The state allowed bad unions led by gangsters because the state is ok with that. When unions were enough of a threat to the capitalists, the police or military still put them down.

Show me a case where the mafia fought the police on the behalf of labor.

The gangsters found work both as strikers and strike breakers, the cops didn’t get involved back then until things got pretty out of hand. You’re right that the powers that be were less opposed to letting unions infiltrated by gangsters through than clean unions, but I suspect that’s only because at the time the ‘powers that be’ included an awful lot of gangsters.

lol wat

Awesome. A shitty senator for KY no matter what.

Perspective shift to the factory owners and politicians who owned the cops back then. They had microscopic police forces compared to today, and they had no interest whatsoever in expanding the power of the state.

They started out with guys like my great grandfather who would escort scabs across the picket lines and beat up strikers. Private security was usually the (very effective) first line of defense. The cops would be brought in after private security had done the work to bless whatever awful shit they’d just done legally.

That would be the case if Booker won as well. Ducy?

Booker and McGrath were competing for the privilege of losing to Mitch McConnell.

That’s a disappointing loss. In an election where the upside is unseating McConnel we came very close to having a solid progressive on the ballot. Instead we have a Trump apologist who has the same or possibly worse chance of winning.

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Biden killing this speech. lol the dementia stuff is straight up agism and bigotry. Period.

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There are good days and bad days. He put out a YouTube ad where he misspeaks his line. I can only imagine what the out takes look like.


Congrats you are a bigot.

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Cool I guess. He is a shit candidate, I guess the USA is stuck with him, but that doesn’t change the facts on the ground.

He may be but not because of any dementia his opponents want to claim out of shear bigotry and ignorance of stuttering.

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I’m not this time. At all.

It is bigotry. Someone explain to me why it’s not. Watch him. He is perfectly articulate. Someone cite a single credible source claiming he has dementia?

It not arguing against hating him as a candidate. Feel free. Think he is awful in every way. Hate every one of his policies.

Just stop with the dementia bs as it’s nothing more than ignorance of stuttering and made up bigotry.

You should appoligise for this comment.


Funny how same standards we apply to them don’t apply to us if we happen to hate the person.

Cite me a single credible source he has dementia. Do so and I’ll apologize and drop it. If not it’s textbook bigotry.

Naaw, in reality I am a confirmed ageists. I don’t think anyone should be allowed to run for office if their will pass the age of 67 during their term.

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Cite me a single credible source that Trump abuses drugs, prescription or otherwise. He clearly does, and the media for better or worse won’t run with that kind of thing.

Whether what Biden is experiencing qualifies as dementia or not, it is certainly reduced cognition from 10 years ago.

FTR I saw the same YouTube ad with Biden fucking up literally the first sentence when he comes up on screen. Like, the closed captions had a sentence that made sense, and it’s not what Biden says. Regardless of whether that’s due to stuttering or mental decline or just a mistake, it’s fucking embarrassing that they would publish that instead of doing another take.

It proves he is not articulate sometimes. He is no Obama. He is not the greatest speaker.

None of this leads someone to conclude dementia, knowing he has a lifelong stutter, unless they want to use mental illness as a weapon.

It is very simple

[x] average at best speaker
[x] has a well documented stutter
[. ] has dementia.


It means you weren’t paying attention.