Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

These KY results are today only and will be dwarfed by the early and absentee afaik. That said, McGrath lost both of her home counties–the 92% white one she lives in and the one she’s originally from (which is somehow even whiter at 94%).

knew i was missing an obvious country

establishment got rocked tonight, lol hillary

I don’t know these candidates, so I’m legit just curious: why Ashcraft over Patel? It seems like a vote for Patel would have had more value, or was it not known that it would be this close? Or is this just a case of vote with your heart and let the chips fall where they may?

Didn’t think either had a real chance and Ashcraft is the real progressive candidate.

Thanks. I guess you answered my real question, which should have been “was it known that Patel would make it this close?”

Yeah I mean if Patel loses by a small amount Ashcraft running likely made the difference, which is shitty. Patel is obviously better than Maloney, but he’s not the second coming of AOC or any of the other candidates in other races we really want to win.

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Saw this article and thought of this post lol

Also from that site

No true leftist would see those as adequate proposals. I say good day to you, sir!

Proposals look good to me. Of course, one of the problems with Joseph Biden is that he lies about big things, and he lies a lot. He lied about his Iraq War vote, and he lied about being arrested with Nelson Mandela.

Joseph Biden was also part of the Obama administration, which has a reputation for making false campaign promises. As many people have already pointed out, part of the problem with Joseph Biden is that you cannot trust what he says.

It’s a little strange to try dunking on people who don’t trust Biden’s word, since it is worth basically nothing. It’s also a little strange to be dunking on leftists after last night’s shellacking of the establishment by candidates pushing Bernie’s popular policies.

But there are a lot of strange people on this board.

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Meh he’s probably toast with a bunch of people voting before his surge.

(re: Kentucky) Seems likely that not allowing all those people to vote will make a big difference too. Gj Dems.

why is booker the current betting favorite

How do you skip to recent posts on mobile?

The eulogist in chief.

  1. Trying to tie this to Biden is mega lol.

  2. Are there any union boss people who aren’t straight up crooks?

Schaitburger is a POS

This is what happens when your organization, facing violent strikebreakers, lets in gangsters to fight fire with fire. A hundred years later you’re still crooks and your movement is a bloodless corpse.

Use the tool bar at the bottom right

:point_up_2: Cartoons anyone :sweat_smile: