Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

More like you are in a restaurant and are offered a warm bowl of diarrhea. You would much rather have a 45 day aged prime rib but can only negotiate a medium well steak sandwich. It ain’t no 45 day aged prime rib, and it’s over cooked, but it ain’t no bowl of diarrhea at least.


Dementia isn’t technically a mental illness, but even if we granted that it were I think arguing that is stigmatized like anxiety/depression/etc is a pretty spicy take.

I’ll only accept that premise if the steak sandwich gives you diarrhea

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Let’s say it does. Still a snap choice.

Joe has quietly shifted considerably to the left since the early debate days of “I’ll get along with Republicans.” Congressional centrists will be more of a problem than Biden if all goes to plan.


I don’t think so. For one, the platform means nothing. For two, the office itself bends people conservative.

Joe’s words have moved to the left. He was taught by The Master.


Hitler loves dogs, and art!

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So you’re comfortable with Hitler dog-sitting but not as fuhrer? You finicky leftists are impossible to please!

I never thought the end of the world would be caused by people’s misunderstanding of Godwin’s Law but, hey, here we are.

Reading another of these posts by you is like the equivalent of finding a man who’s realized he did his own little part in stopping once-in-a-forever actual top-down change and progress, and is realizing he will never live that down.

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I mean, seriously, what are you people going to tell your children and grandchildren when you’re huddled together over the fire in the family cave?

“Well, see, the one guy rocked so hard he had anti-electoralist communists and fucking Dick Van Dyke coming out to endorse but we thought it’d be super kickass if the prez had a vag or something, I dunno, it’s hard to remember but made sense at the time… Anyways, finish your roach paste.”



Like is he even in the top 10 most racist presidents? Just in the 20th century,


Were all pretty, pretty racist. Hell even liberal hero FDR didn’t invite Jesse Owens to the White House.

In a vacuum it’s probably close. But when you considering the times he’s easily #1. Most of the previous racist presidents were duing a time when like 70-100% of the voting population was racist.

Trump is ultra racist when only like 40% of the population is racist,

Besides Reagan and Nixon none of the other previous presidents would ever of had even a slight chance of getting elected if they didn’t project racism.

I don’t know political history that well but pretty sure even during Reagan and Nixon the vast majority of dem voters were racist as shit.

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Racism Above Replacement



I think it’s probably easier to list Presidents who were less racist than the average white person of their time or pushed for significant rights for Black people.

Grant (?)

Any others?


Despite the on tape racism from Kennedy he’s still less racist than like 35% of the country today. He’s probably on that list. Jefferson might be too unless you want to completely disqualify slaveowners which is probably fair.

Clinton takes a big hit there for the crime bill. Disparate sentencing for crack. FDR for GI Bill and federal home loan programs and redlining and segregation. Tremendous wealth transfer to white America and housing projects and rent for Black America.

Ponied, but Teddy was the first POTUS to invite a Black person for dinner at the White House.