Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper


Don’t let the B grind you down, Sir… :v:

Honestly, I get that you’re still grieving. Biden as the nominee is super depressing. I also think some of the stuff you’re saying isn’t a good look.

I know #notallberniesupporters but in the real world the actions of a small segment of Bernie supporters has turned people away from the progressive cause. I know it shouldn’t and it makes about as much sense as 70% of people in a primary supporting m4a and that same electorate voting Biden in a landslide.

Ultimately the American electorate is incredibly uninformed, stupid, and at the same time overrates their own intelligence and knowledge of issues in the world. This is what we have to win over and we start by reuniting the left.

We fucked up this round, but we still need Biden to win because I don’t think RBG can make it to January 20, 2025. And we need to make sure we pave the road for future progressive politicians to be successful. That means we need to not alienate supporters of people like Warren from the progressive cause even if you don’t think they’re perfect. And Warren supporters need to stop picking fights with Bernie supporters too.

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Is that me? Should I tone it down?

I though Arby at 1st,but cood be.

Yeah probably the guy calling people pigs and typing oink.

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Is there anything the bernie campaign could have done to get your vote?

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Should this thread get a new title? Revisiting the 2020 Dem Primary? Something like that?

I did vote for Bernie in 2016. I’ve said before if I lived in a Super Tuesday state, I would’ve voted for Bernie as it was obviously a 2 person race at that point. If it would’ve changed the caucus math at my precinct in Iowa I would have considered switching to Bernie to help him get a delegate if it didn’t cost Warren anything.

My stated belief going into caucus night is that it doesn’t make sense to not support your first preference in Iowa when historically there have been surprise winners there that the polls didn’t catch. I believed Warren was the best choice, and it didn’t impact delegates in my precinct if I had supported her or Bernie. I had been donating to Bernie all along too, and talked people away from supporting Biden in my precinct to make sure he didn’t receive a delegate so I felt like I did as much as I could to help both campaigns caucus night.



Meb caucused for Liz in IA then went Bernie after NH.

p.s. That’s why I made my appeal.

My pony didn’t get to the caucus in time.

I might vote trump in November then go Joe* after that

*insert dem nominee here

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This is a really bad post. Like, amazingly bad.

It’s almost like it’s crafted to make dirtbag snark posters look ridiculous.

Not trying to cast aspersions on your movement. I’m full luxury nihilism now baby.

Sure, but if you can’t shoehorn it in past the fact that the GE all happens on one day, maybe sit this play out?

My hypothesis is that Rona exploding right after super tuesday hasn’t given anybody the proper continuation to grieve. It’s a weird sort of limbo.

(I put a pin in the rest of your post btw)

All of the verysmart Greenwald types end up kicking themselves in the dick every damn time.

Sure, but I find the “Bernie campaign should have done x which still wouldn’t have gotten me to vote for him” stuff really distasteful.

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