Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Alright, I’m at acceptance re: Joe. The Supreme Court alone means we have to vote for him.

But I sure as shit don’t have to pay any attention to him. I’m going cold turkey.


Vote for him ok, but to hell with pretending he’s anything other than a bumbling dissembling jackass who was a reactionary law and order militarist even when he wasn’t running on empty.


I’ll go you one better and say vote for him if you’re in a swing state. CA or NY you can s̶t̶a̶y̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶h̶o̶m̶e̶ write in Sanders.

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Yea I have it as Hillary > Joe which is pretty damn sad, but to be fair it is likely that Joe is more electable.

That’s quite the generalization.

That sounds like a cabinet that a cabdriver would put together.

That is Thomas Friedman’s idea for a “national unity” Cabinet.

Small segment in real life sure, but it’s definitely a lot of them online and it’s really hard to support Bernie when it seems like he’s got nearly the same number of gaslighting pieces of shit on his side as Trump does. (and many work for him or campaign for him)

At least warren wasn’t like that.

tl’dr everyone sucks but by god there’s a lot of terrible people on that progressive side right now. Who’s even good? AOC and that’s it that I’ve heard of? (and she still says a lot of stupid things to say from time to time)

The entire left block of voters has an issue with wanting perfection or they’re the worst candidate ever instead of kicking republican ass then having that argument-- that shot may have gotten fired too soon. We’ll see I guess. If we’re fractured like it seems like we’re headed–nobody beats a R regardless of candidate–it’s that simple to me.

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lol at this purity rant when all of bernie’s issues are broadly popular. maybe if demE’s ran more candidates that offered the people actual things, they’d do better

the establishment coalesced around a iraq war booster that wants to leave 10 million uninsured and doesn’t even want to legalize marijuana. and they can do it because fools like you will chastise the left about purity instead of pressuring the establishment to run candidates that do better

‘at least warren wasn’t like that’

warren is exactly what is wrong with american politics, she took big money before her presidential run, she tried to gain popularity claiming she was grassroots and for the people, then she took a giant money bag from a joe arpaio booster right before super tuesday. it is shameful to prop her up after that.

biggest gaslighter on this board is who i am responding to by the way


$2600. Now who’s the gaslighter?

elizabeth warren took 12 million dollars from that person, that is the money bag i’m referring to


Oh, Biff.

That buys a lot of Americanized Italian food.

wheatrich putting on a masterclass

showing the amateurs how it’s done

You see what happens when I give an inch?

I don’t think it’s gaslighting as I don’t think he’s aware he’s doing it. Which to me is more disturbing.

grunch. That account has always been a troll. I and many other team pete accounts have been reporting it since last year.

But please, don’t take my word for it. Continue to generalize, on one condition. I’m now allowed to generalize about every Bernie supporter based on twitter troll accounts. Deal?

Yes! Thank you.

You never can tell what’s what with these

Fucking. Relax.