Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

This example implies Pete contributed something to the democratic primary, or to the party as a whole, or to the causes he pretended to care about, while Bernie hurt those same things.

Bernie has shifted the Overton window for the party significantly to the left in the last 4 years, while Pete fought tooth and nail to drag it back towards the right, culminating in an endorsement of an all time bad candidate two days before Super Tuesday.

It is very much more like Bernie sparked a rally that resulted in bases loaded, and Pete walked to the plate, winked at the pitcher, laid down a bunt and allowed himself to be tagged out.


He absolutely did though.

Problem is that what he contributed was setting back the timetable for Medicare for All and other progressive policies a few years.


More like Pete was a fastball specialist, who after making it to the show became a knuckler, scuffing the balls with contraband provided to him by the team’s owner and then walked off the mound in the 4th inning with the game tied 1-1 before the manager even came out because league commissioners offered him a cushy front office job if he left the game.


He’s just trolling now


You never can tell what’s what with these “X for [candidate]” accounts and all, but yeesh.


The creator of Warren’s wealth tax proposal just got hired to oversee the stimulus bill.

Trump fired Warren’s guy.

Was talking about Bharat Ramamurti.

Baby brain, you’ve already proven you’re not a serious person. You don’t get your questions answered anymore.

Good God.

Yeah, I know.

Show me you’re a serious person. I’m seriously asking as this is depressing me.

LOL. You’ve been a lost cause for years who only exists to troll people with inside jokes that no one understands, I wouldn’t dream of having a productive discussion with you. If I reply to one of your posts it’s for the benefit of myself or others.

Lord have mercy you are “Alex.” huh? I was really hoping that wasn’t the case as that means you’ve deteriorated rapidly.

Haven’t we all. :man_shrugging:

Taking to Warren right now is a strange, slightly melancholy experience: like glimpsing an alternate reality where a political leader is expressing the strong egalitarian, anti-billionaire, pro-worker ideas necessary for the crisis we're facing.

I’ve been assured many times that by not endorsing bernie, warren was getting to keep her spot as a political leader, so that is just nonsense.

Almost breaks my heart to see the piggies oinking for their slop even they probably know isn’t coming

Is there really no way to ignore someone whose profile is hidden?

You, who doesn’t think Trump has top men working in shifts around the clock to get stimulus payments out, you’re the farm animal oink oink oink

Click on profile and go to admin, then scroll down to ignore…

@goofyballer Is that correct? :joy: