Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

The only purity I care about is in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.


Itā€™s hard to overstate how bad your worldview is for the cause of progressives.

Youā€™ll manage.


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We need more VIP v NiT please Watevs, I need a good laugh during this shit storm of a timeline as Iā€™m still in lockdown :sob:

If you started a thread Iā€™m sure more posters would contributeā€¦


Weā€™re going to be re-litigating Warren even longer than we re-litigated Clinton, arenā€™t we.

Especially when she is VP.

Thereā€™s like five people engaging on that conversation anymore.

Yeah but thereā€™s like 10 people engaging ITT anymore.

saw that. Bernie would have been so much better for the people of Venezuela (not to mention Palestine, Iran, Cuba)

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, America.

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Ok Iā€™ll bite. How?

What would Bernie have done that Biden wonā€™t?

Told the British Torys to go fuck themselves?

I will not be taking time out to engage bad-faith morons who spend all day posting on this site yet claim to have zero idea on the substantial differences in foreign policy between Bernie Sanders and Joseph Biden

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I claimed to have zero idea of the difference?

Come on man. I donā€™t dislike Warren or think she doesnā€™t hold some progressive ideals. I just wish sheā€™d stop doing objectively bad things, ie endorsing dark lord hickenlooper. Itā€™s a low, low bar.


ā€œI stand with the Venezuelan people and for democracy. Just not the democracy that those Venezuelan people used to elect Nicolas Maduro.ā€


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