Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

She has sullied herself but once and now must spent her remaining days atoning, knowing that no matter the hair shirt or self-flagellation she can never be pure again. She must never more doth the identifier “progressive”.

It’s incredible how these people never get tired of being wrong

We too have been cast to the ranks of the unclean. Ours is to supplicate for all time.

My bad, sarcasm meter off

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The bubble is just so depressing. Warren has been everywhere lately, on the ground supporting BLM, in the senate actively fighting the GOP nutjobs every day, endorsing progressive candidates left and right, raising money to defeat Trump.

But they find 1 endorsement out of 50 that they don’t like and it’s all:

:snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake:


Those facts contradict the manufactured narrative, so they must be omitted. Don’t overcomplicate things, comrade.


Well then you and the other warren lap dogs should post stuff in her favor if you guys are such big fans of hers.

I’m not going to give her props for doing what she should do as a progressive but I still will call out the wtf moves she does. No one should get sensitive that I lol at her endorsing hickenlooper (he sucks)


Fuck off

This is the nature of the internet. Since the volume of data is so large, the tools we use to access the internet are in fact filters by definition. Filters can by manipulated.

Since it got responded to before I deleted, I will clarify that I asked if he ever tires of sucking his own dick. (The answer is no).

You should lol at her endorsing hickenlooper. It’s a terrible endorsement. What you shouldn’t do is say it makes her no longer a progressive.

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My post didn’t even say she wasn’t progressive, if you want to read into it that much I was questioning how progressive she was with the “soooo progressive” part.

Yeah fuck off again clown

I really try not to do it because I don’t like to shill and we’ve litigated Warren enough here. I’m sure I’ve ignored the last 5 Watevs posts on the topic. Sometimes it’s just too much and I can’t help myself.

AOC seems like an easy endorsement though with her opponent being heavily supported by Wall St. and considering AOC went pretty far out of her way to be supportive of Warren.

I was mostly directing my ire at the true cultists like tababker and crunchy.

Yes. If you posted those things, you would have just got flamed for promoting the obvious deceptions of the fraud Elizabeth Warren. The conclusion is already written in stone.

My favorite Warren moment was her getting 3rd in her own state. Everyone feel free to share yours.


Yea shame on her supporters for switching to Bernie for strategic reasons after backing her throughout the primaries.

You are confused, and tabaker doesn’t understand changing your support, because it’s counter to all he cares about which is purity.