Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Can he do anything to “make progress” between now and the election? What, if anything, could he do right now that you would see as something other than just talk?

Man the barricades. He doesn’t even have to go to Paris to do it. They have them in Seattle.

Except of course that’s at best half truth.

Opening up this thread is like the equivalent of finding a bunch of people, months into the Covid-non-season in MLB, arguing over the Astros sign-stealing scandal.


Can I get a Verrit code on that shit lol.

Man, remember Verrit. Good times.

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lol warren

So she won’t even endorse Bernie for senator?

I’m voting for Gardner now.

Before continuing to look stupid you should know hickenlooper has a primary on June 30th which isn’t against Corey Gardner. He is the anti m4a candidate who loves fracking and is against the green new deal but yeah warren is soooo progressive.

Also obviously I’m not asking her to endorse Bernie but maybe she should endorse the guy running on the issues she supposedly supports and not the dem establishment choice


Story checks out. Hickenlooper is not a lock to win the primary. He’s up against a relatively well established Dem who supports M4A and the GND.

I was making fun of the group you think I was joining.

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Like the other 25 people she endorsed in that same exact tweet chain?

Is one Dem a much better candidate than the other against the Republican?

Hickenlooper’s pretty damaged at this point and Colorado isn’t your totally normal blue state although it’s getting there.

Lame. There’s no great need to be bashing Warren at this point, but what’s this defense? Just blanket thoughtless endorsement? Blanket incumbent endorsements?

Hickenlooper seems like a loser. I’m just pointing out she endorsed a bunch of other really progressive people today in that same tweet and otherwise.

His idiotic claim that this endorsement make her not progressive is just that, idiotic.

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Yeah no need to continue pointing out what a fraud Liz is. It is known.

Has she endorsed AOC?

If she does it would be meaningless to the purity cultists. She has sinned but once already and there is no return from such a vial debasement.

She probably can’t be redeemed but I would like it if she would stop recklessly doing objectively bad things

I noticed there were 0 posts about Warren being one of the only politicians at the protests for a week straight, totally owning Trump and the GOP regarding the confederate statue amendment, and being at the forefront of the covid oversight fight.

And of course, nothing about her endorsing Jamaal Bowman and Charles Booker over the more well known, establishment candidates the last few days.

But I’m glad everyone came out of the woodwork for this.