Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Clovis is now sarcastically re-iterating a position no-one has attributed to him as part of a long-form fiction exercise delineating a stance no-one ITT has adopted. It’s role-play. Non-erotic though very much masturbatory, lol.


It really is amazing you can make this post literally four posts after clear evidence you are wrong. Empirically so. Undeniably so.

It definitely matters to some degree because he will not pass those policies into law on principle if they become less popular, which is likely to happen once the right wing and corporate machines get rolling and mobilized against them.

You’re the last person who should find something like that amazing lololol

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You think he is going to veto things a democratic congress passes? Zero chance.

Putting Pramila Jayapal on your health care task force and AOC + the Exec Director of the Sunrise Movement on your climate change group (after consulting w/ Bernie wrt who would be the best folks to serve) seems like… something.


No, not veto. He just won’t push the issue, which is necessary in some cases to drive Congress to get it over the finish line. This actually happened with the ACA. Congress very nearly balked, and all the DemE people (I think including Joe Biden) told Obama to pass something more modest, but he pushed the issue. (Cue inane Romneycare talking points.)

That’s possible for sure. As the article I posted pointed out he follows the political winds. That being said everything is pointing to those winds blowing mostly left for at least a few years ahead given COVID and BLM.

Woof woof woof!


I want M4A and was obviously upset at Biden winning, but he’s made overtures to the left on many issues since clinching the nom, like race, the economy, and the environment. This is contrary to the traditional path of pivoting to the center in the general so it should count for something. It’s unrealistic to expect him to adopt Bernie’s position on healthcare as a “concession,” the best you can hope for is for him to continue to move in the right direction, and like ATC said, fight harder for the improvements he does support.

What they would really be saying is what they always say when Warren or whoever promotes a lefty policy, he’s just faking it to get elected.

So yea, no point in engaging them.

Certainly no evidence of centrists faking it to get elected.

I mean, you’re right that’s what we’ll say every single time. You should probably withhold your criticism until one time when it doesn’t happen.

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But then what’s the point of the demands if they won’t be believed anyway?

Probably some less-hardened people will believe them? Plus you can hold people accountable when they say they do something and then don’t do it. And saying things can sometimes make them happen even if a politician doesn’t really care if they happen or not.

There’s not a lot of point in demanding people put something in their platform. You demand action, not promises. So, not much point at all in making demands on candidate Joe Biden.

This is a good point. Once he elected I’ll never make another post about criticism of him. Gloves off at that point. It’s push him HARD to the left with every bit of leverage possible.

Like when he gives $300m more for police people should storm the Bastille. Literally. Well literally storm. Figuratively Bastille.

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Fuck ya.

Bastille had that one good song

This is great to see. With a candidate as uninspiring as Biden, building a campaign of surrogates and tasks forces can go a long way. Actually picking solid choices to chair these task forces is welcomed progress.

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Progress is progress. A task force is just lip service until it makes some progress. I’m not going to make the mistake of believing Mr Hope and Change’s right hand when the man himself promised change that never happened.

Guantanamo is still open, the drone bombings still happened, the immigrants were caged and given over to the Trump Admin. It’ll be a welcome surprise if “Man who lied about his Iraq War vote this year” decides to defund the bullets and bombs and put the money into our healthcare system.

Lol at ever trusting him or calling anything he does progress until it actually happens.

Blue no Matter Who Crew - any plans to hold Biden accountable for the things you said the left had to abandon to get rid of Trump? Or are you just going to go back to your money (literally no one without health insurance or a home is saying Blue No Matter Who) and let the rest of us do the work, as always?

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