Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Biden could run on an ACist platform and you would still be talking about the left’s intrasigence.


you said ‘no matter what policy proposal’ and i offered one up that i would be happy with. quit sucking your own dick.

framing basic economic rights and humane proposals as wishlists from the children of the left instead of things that working class people desperately need is really fucked up


It’s so amazing as every serious thinker has pointed out how much Biden has shifted left including their patron saint yet he is still an evil right wing monster.

They honestly think the saying is “the enemy of the perfect is the good. “

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Don’t think he’s shifted very left. He just seems to follow popular positions. $15 min wage is very popular, so that’s his position. M4A is popular, but public option is more popular, so that’s how he arrives at his healthcare positon.

I’m asking how he’s shifted left. Hillary ran on 15 dollar minimum wage.

What’s the difference? Who cares as long as he supports policy more to the left?

Look at his policy committees. Nobody acting with any good faith could look at those and then scream about him being some right wing nut. It’s pure fantasyland shit.

Watevs and tabbaker are purity people. That is all the care about. Slip up once in your entire life and you are equivalent to the worst person on earth. Hold one position, even a degree off theirs, and you are completely written off. There is no changing your mind, being persuaded to another position or admitting error. It’s all purity all the time. It’s the only redeeming value to them. It’s also why they will never be happy with anyone in politics.

There is quit literally no answer to this you would deem acceptable.

Hillary ran on $12 federal minimum wage.

Well shit really? God we suck

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So fucking called it. Lololollololololololllo

There doesn’t seem to be one you can offer, either. Co-incidence, or Malum-Fideles_? Who can say.


She wasn’t for it until the April 16 debate with Bernie, when she said she would sign it if it came to her desk at president.

Imagine having such a poisoned troll-brain that you think the left wouldn’t like Biden more if he embraced Medicare for All. Imagine being a Canadian, sitting in the lap of luxury with your government healthcare, that thinks that people trying to give Canadian economic rights to Americans are just purity testers. We want fucking healthcare, you moron

AllTheCheese being in here is rich af too, acting like he gives two shits about the left when he was totally cool with Elizabeth Warren breaking her SuperPAC promise to take 15 million dollars from a rich power player.


Gotta love the guy making 6 figures in a country with free health insurance arguing that $15 an hour is some huge leftist policy


I know lol me posting facts and all but…

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I absolutely love when you so clearly make my point for me.

You nailed it. I don’t want UHC. I think all poor people should just die so they don’t soil my piles of money.

I’m just a class traitor anyhow, I should be sitting on my money and not helping out these poors and sicks. No reason for me to lift a finger, I mean it’s going to raise my taxes anyhow. Why am I voting against my self interest? I should join the BlueMAGA cult, thats where people like me are meant to go.


I argued it was a huge leftist policy?

I predicted any shift left would be discredited. Within seconds a shift left was posted. Seconds later you discredited it.


It wasn’t a shift left from his original policies. That’s always been in his plans. He has done nothing to win over the Bernie voters since Bernie dropped out.

That’s called politics. Making concessions to win over voters.