Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

So that’s what Jeff Epstein is up to these days.


2018 hot names in dem politics

Beto O Rourke aka LEROY JENKINS, deciding not only he didn’t want the presidency but also never running for office in TX ever again
Richard Ojeda, made waves in a WV house race but spent his entire campaign trolling trump on twitter, losing a senate race that everyone running wasn’t trying to win (ojeda didn’t even tweet or post the primary was happening)
Stacey Abrams, barely loses gov race, didn’t run for either senate race apparently allin to be mike bloomberg’s VP, stuck begging to be Biden’s VP, where she has no chance.
I’m forgetting someone for this list, oh well.

You guys complain things don’t change, but things change fast in politics. All of these people are done or seemingly done and they were the risers just 2 years ago.

Redpill is a hell of a drug

People fail all the time. I’m not sure what “Here’s a list of once-promising losers” is supposed to prove.



It’s evidence things can change quick in politics?


I thought a week was a long time in politics, now two years is quick? But my point is that the kinds of things you’re talking about changing aren’t important. Which specific individuals enact centrist-friendly and/or limited-hangout concessionary ‘reforms’ is unimportant.

Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same.

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AFAIK Biden has not offered any policy proposal to possibly win over the left for the general. A vote for him is a vote for the Democrat Party to continue to denounce the left while moving further and further right.

This statement has no meaning because no matter what policy proposal he makes you can declare that “the left” is to the left of that.

He could at least pretend to try!

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just pure drivel. nonsense. idiocy. complete ignorance

A good start would be Medicare for All. No one needs something to the left of that. He’ll never do it. Can you just stop lying to protect Joseph Biden? Thanks

How about closing down the migrant torture camps and stopping deportations? Oh wait he’s been asked about that and his response was to vote for Trump.

No one here is moving goalposts, they just want basic human rights. Is there any chance you stop apologizing for the powerful men that want to take them away?

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Its perfectly reasonable to advocate for those things but all you’ve done is prove my point.

if you don’t think the left would be ‘won over’ by medicare for all you are a fool. if your point was that posters here would declare it not far left enough and say they wouldn’t vote for him, you’re also a fool.

Here’s one from his website.

My hunch is that he will sign almost anything Congress passes. The Democratic House has already passed some decent bills like HR1 electoral reform and a Dream Act type of bill, so if Democrats take the Senate, I expect these would become law.

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I just love the Overton window in the US where a $15 min wage is an overture to the left rather than a common sense fix. It should be the bare minimum proposal for anyone running as a Democrat.



Biden could propose a full on communist society and whatevs and tababker would be in here arguing he is not servicing the left.

They are a total lost cause.

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I think the sequence of posts where I say be careful about rejecting desirable policy as not left enough, then getting scolded for suggesting that, then being told that a $15 minimum wage sucks because it’s not left enough, is my favourite sequence of posts in a while.

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