Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Wat. Every indication that Maduro’s 2018 election was fraudulent, unless you think things like this:

and winning with 68% of the vote as an incumbent in a starvation economy are super normal.

Do some more research

No u

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It’s 2020 and you still are falling for the we gotta stop the evil dictator bullshit this country uses to go to war and take resources from countries. Grow up.

No, moron. I am not falling for anything or advocating for any action other than not blowing a socialist autocrat to own the libs.

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Build your vocabulary douchebag

Yes, yes, I changed it already.

Lots of important NY primaries tonight. let us gogogogogogo

With covid we probably won’t know the results for a bit

The Venezuelan people are suffering because of US government sanctions. I assume no one is quibbling on this point. I am disgusted that the US government will continue perpetuating this suffering under Joseph Biden.

AllTheCheese just loves the idea of power flexing. Not surprised that a guy who defended Elizabeth Warren’s flipflop on SuperPACs to take 15 million dollars from megadonor Karla Jurvetson, as well as Jurvetson’s decision to send money to Nazi Joe Arpaio in the service of her personal political goals, would be into US imperialism abroad.

Btw, Maduro’s election was more legitimate than the 2020 Democratic Primary.

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Oh I don’t know about that… :thinking:

Hey Watevs, you’re a lying piece of shit.


Bloodbath McGrath raised $40 million!?!? God she sucks.

I have thought about moderating here. (I modded 2+2 pol for a few years). I decided against it because I wouldn’t have the freedom to ban @Watevs and I don’t think banning a leftist would fly here, regardless of how toxic he is.

I’m trying to figure out how someone could support guaido and not be a neocon. Did vox do a huge “why guaido should lead venezuela, explained” piece or something?

If you’re referring to me, I don’t support Guaido at all, and certainly do not think he should be “installed” as President.

ETA: Like, just for clarity, my opinions are:

  • Current US policy towards Venezuela is terrible (recognizing Guaido as the true Pres, sanctions that hurt the economy and therefore regular citizens, cuts to humanitarian aide)
  • Maduro is a corrupt autocrat whose reelection was illegitimate.
  • the right thing to do is to let Venezuela work it out for themselves while providing aide through neutral third parties (so no US flags on the aide, no appearance of a thumb on the scale).

If you really think watevs should be banned, start a poll. Mods weren’t behind banning anachro. If you want to be a mod you should, but that still doesn’t mean blanket authority to ban people.

Eta: I’m not saying there should a thread to ban watevs. That would suck. But it’s your prerogative right now just as much as if you were a mod.


I would strongly vote against banning watevs. While I think he is an extreme ideologue, he isn’t abusive. We should never ban people for having different ideas, no matter how bad we think they are.

Also, iron I would be cautious as us more “centrist” types are the minority on this site.

There is a trend growing here which is very dangerous. The further left people trying to ban the “centrists” and visa versa. This is just bad in every way.

P.S. By any metric of political persuasions I would never be called a centrist. I’m only centrist compared to my perceived understanding of the mean political views on UP.


I’m right wing on this board and all my friends accuse me of being a communist IRL

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